4 years agoRising Veteran
Sims eat too fast!
My sim families can never all sit down and eat at the same time like previous games. Is there a mod for slower eating? Thanks
"EnkiSchmidt;c-17980690" wrote:"Babykittyjade;c-17980591" wrote:
I agree with captain. Really goes to show how fast and impatient the culture has become. People had no problem with this in older games. This seems to be the only one.
I did have a problem with it in the old games, because back then sims would always chatter over a meal and there was no way to stop them. The moment two sims in the same room were eating, they didn't even have to sit at the same table, they'd also chat, thus drawing out the meal. (Technically there is a way to stop the behaviour with room dividers in Sims 2, but it takes a lot of work and looks rather silly.)
Sims 4 is the first game where I can simply cancel the chatting out of the command queue and my sims will continue eating at a normal pace. It is near-perfect: Longer meals with talking when the family gathered, or shorter ones to just get the nourishment. I can have eight sims sitting at the same table and have full control over who is talking and who not (free will off player, I should perhaps add).
On topic, I liked the old eating speed better. Now my choice is no longer between long and short meals, but between short and ultra-short ones.
The new, faster speed, I strongly suspect was introduced to hide the musical chairs problem that had gotten worse around the pre-Snowy Escape patch. If the sims were done eating before the musical chairs kicked in, players would never see how bad it was.