I’m mostly playing premades this time around, but I do have a few uniquely named original sims. Not necessarily punny, though.
Harry Bigfoot is a sim in that Yeti costume that came in the holiday update. He always wears it, so in my game, he really is Bigfoot. And hairy.
Todd Bumpkiss is an old, grumpy geezer living in Willow Creek. I named him that because Spellcasters in CAS animations often say something that sounds like his name. I figured, whoever he is, if they’re obsessed with him, he needed to be there.
Ron Bragg is a politician in the human world. His last name sums up his personality.
Musette and Eldon Lief are a fairy/wood elf couple.
For the musicians, the Mayor of Mooncrest is named Clarence DeLune. His wife is Claire DeLune.
The Bumble Family are forest imps living in Granite Falls. For them, I was inspired by the names of Liddle Kiddle dolls I played with as a child. So, there’s BeBe Bumble, Biddie Bumble, BoBo Bumble, Berry Bumble, and a few other Bumbles I can’t remember right now.
Freddy Frogwhacker is a swamp gnome living in Willow Creek. He also guards the tree portal to the Sylvan Glade.
Bonaparte Smythe is a skeleton like fellow in Henford-on-Bagley who runs a llama pulled carriage taxi to Glimmerbrook. Harold the Llama from the CL trailer belongs to him. He lives with Mother Greene, an herbalist and alchemist.
And, last but not least, Oberon Lazuli is the mysterious proprietor of the Blue Moon Tavern. His name comes from Oberon the Fairy King in A Midsummer Nights Dream, and the blue gemstone, lapis lazuli.