I think they need to have cars return in some way. Even if it’s just like those in the sims 2 that show up and a sim gets inside and the vehicle disappears, I actually think it would be a good idea to do a in game update with cars. Or make a stuff pack that is all about cars. It could come with a new motor career, mechanical career, fixing cars full time. detailing vehicles part time, rabbit hole racing career. The cars should have drive ways, and be somewhat customizable with at least a few different body types, like a van, sports car, vintage, basic four seater, jeep style, etc…maybe they should even make it that you”re sim can run their own car dealership and sale cars to other sims or create a dealership lot. I just think for not having cars in this game, they should go a little more in depth with it other than just adding it in. I think as a game pack it might not feel like enough but as a stuff pack I think it could feel like a full fleshed out stuff pack much like the paranormal stuff pack did. Maybe their could be an interaction with the cars such as sims hanging out in a car, or even washing the outside of it with a cloth, maybe the car if it’s not cleaned every once in a while gets dirty and is affected by the weather such a snow, maybe the car breaks down every now and then and you have to call a mechanic to come fix it or take a look at it, they could also add a new Motor Mechanical skill to the game with this stuff pack, and sims could learn how to fix their own vehicles, a new death could be introduced by motor electrocution or engine blowing up if a sim tries to fix it and doesn’t know what their doing. Just an idea, I’d love to see come alive. I think cars for a life simulation game are a necessity and I think they should go all out since it’s been missing so long and I think they could go all out on a stuff pack that’s almost borderline game pack much like paranormal stuff pack.