Forum Discussion

kmonica1's avatar
5 years ago

Study Spot

Hi Fellow Simmers,

What exactly does study spot lot trait do? I have University expansion and the library has that trait but it does not speed up homework completion or anything...

thanks in advance for any input on this!
  • Sketch793's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    Study Spot is supposed to speed up homework, let your sims study longer before getting mentally exhausted, and boost skill gains.

    I haven't tested its effect on homework but I would expect it to make a difference, even if it's only a few minutes. The library is probably not the best place to test it, since there are constant interruptions by the librarian and other sims wanting to chat. I use Study Spot as one of my standard lot traits for my University sims.
  • Thanks so much CelSims and Sketch. I actually tested the homework and it has no affect on homework completion (at least in my game). Mhhmmm...