@permanentrose OMG why did I not think of that, its not as if the twins are part of her challenge hahaha, I might just do that every now and then too, I have been draining her and getting baby sitters when things got too much instead of just cheating their needs a little ;) I find painting and selling on Plopsy to be the best way especially as she skills up more :) Wow what a very good vintage looking photo frame you did of Vlad and his late wife, its stunning <3 Hahaha being taught by a llamacorn mascot :D Love the vampire bat fish they look so cool. What an awesim update.
@all I am loading my game now. I have disabled my laptop deskfan thingy from the usb as I read that faulty usb ports can freeze your laptop especially if they are older than 3 and this one is 6 years old LOL. I will save often just to be sure I don't lose too much if it freezes up again. Update coming soon :)