"MidnightAura;c-16263695" wrote:
I,e wanting to get a specific grade, wanting to have their first kiss with a special someone, wanting to go steady, go on dates, wanting to hang out with friends doing teen activities. I have to imagine they want all that when I'm clicking away repeated whims about vampires, buying pools, dishwashers, puppet theatres and whims to cook meals. Teens need more teenage whims to make them feel unique.
I wholeheartedly agree about wants being too repetitive. I find myself constantly X-ing out the same couple of wants over and over again, as if only 6 different wants show up 80% of the time. Not to mention wants that cannot be fulfilled. Today my toddler wanted to paint on an easel at the romance festival that was going on near his apartment. More Wants are needed with an improved balance to the Want generator system.