Forum Discussion

kathmhughes's avatar
New Spectator
4 years ago


The description of the Courtyard Oasis stair rails mentions a telescope. There is no telescope in the game, just an observatory.

The other items mentions illegal obtainment of goods, murder, royalty, and genies.
  • I don't know what that was all about. But I do hope that we get the backyard telescopes back, like the ones that we had in Sims 3. The observatories that we have in the game now are nice to have. But they take up to much room on the lot. I have to leave a 6X6 area free of anything just to place one of those. Even on the roof when placing them on the roof.
  • SnaveXs's avatar
    Seasoned Scout
    Aladdin came to mind with Princess Jasmine, Thievery and Genies. I wouldn't mind having a whole new world.