The 12 Days of Simsmas - Day 11: A Simlish Christmas Carol
Day 11: A Simlish Christmas Carol
Sul sul!
Welcome to Day 11 of The 12 Days of Simsmas, today we're helping Nancy remove herself from Father Winter's naughty list.
Take Nancy LandScrooge on a journey of ✨self discovery✨ until she gets the "Good" personality trait by volunteering at a soup kitchen or donating to online charities, and share your screenshots of the new and improved Nancy!
@Belalucina great backstory for the landgraabs! I enjoyed all the detail you put into your telling of a simsmas carol. also I think generous is an even better trait for a reformed Scrooge ?
She wasn't always such a snob. Her and Geoffrey were young when they first met many Christmases ago. He was poor and her family disapproved, but Nancy fell in love with him.
They had to see each other in secret, but they made it work.
Despite her parents protests, she decided to marry Geoffery. And even though he took her last name, her parents still disowned her for marrying such a poor fellow. But she didn't care, she had her parents' business savvy nature and she knew she could make enough money on her own.
They were happy for awhile. Nancy was a successful business woman, and Geoffrey a doctor. They had two children, Johnny and Malcolm. They made good money. Things seemed to be going well.
Though, the more money they had, the less it seemed to be enough for them. Geoffrey was obsessed with his children being successful and Nancy became obsessed with...well, money. Geoffrey scolded Johnny constantly, saying he'd never amount to anything as a comedian, and even though Nancy liked his jokes, she had agreed with her husband.
Years passed, and another Christmas came. Johnny had left the family to pursue comedy. Malcolm took it hard when his brother was disowned and was proving to be a handful himself. He used to be good natured, and now he was evil. Nancy gave up business to pursue villainy, but Geoffrey knew she was up to something.
They fought all the time. And Nancy wasn't the only one with her secrets. Geoffrey's suspicions about his wife led him to quit his career as a doctor and pursue a career as a secret agent.
And so, with visions of happier Christmases past, Nancy decided it was time for a change. She started with volunteering for Beach Cleanup. At least when they went on their next vacation, it would be nice and clean. She drug Malcolm along with her, thinking it would do him some good.
Nancy found helping out made her feel good.
After all, she still had a lot more money than those she was helping out, and that did feel good.
Next, she donated to charity. That even earned her some fame, and that kind of felt good too.
In Christmases past, Johnny had extended a Christmas dinner invitation to them, which they always declined. He had eventually stopped sending them. Nancy decided it was time they reached out. She found Johnny and told him they would love to spend Christmas dinner with him. He was a bit suspicious.
Well, she'd been right about him not amounting to much...she found herself bored by his living space.
But that didn't stop her from making her amends.
She had gifts for Malcolm and Geoffrey as well.
And well, it wasn't the fanciest of dinners. They didn't even all eat together and her husband spent the evening watching TV. But it was a start.
Not exactly what I was going for, but I'll take it.
And with that, Nancy was on her path to make the present Christmas a happier one.
Twas the night before Winterfest, and Nancy Landgraab was making it rain...
....when the ghost of Jacques Villareal, past fellow crime lord, appeared and told her he had many regrets, and that he would haunt her forever unless she changed her ways.
Well, she wasn't going to be happy about it, but what choice did she have?
First, she acknowledged the existence of her estranged son.
If she must choose a charity to donate her precious simoleons to, she had to pick "Lobster Thermidor for Some" because surely not everyone was deserving of such a fine meal.
She bit her tongue and only spoke kind words to her husband and son, though truly there was much to criticize on both accounts.
And if she had to volunteer her time, why not keep her body in top tier condition?
And truly the most magnanimous sacrifice of all - opening her home to a child in need at Winterfest (a Tiny Tim, if you will).
Well, she was certainly going to need a makeover if she was going to match Nancy's refined aesthetic.
Much better...
"Now, let me teach you the art of admiring new possessions. After all, we must be grateful that we are so very much more fortunate than everybody else..."
She had to admit, all the charity work did wonders for her Simstagram following, so she embraced the change, if for appearances only. At least for now, she could evade any hauntings from ghosts of Christmases past.