In the 1990s, game devs realized with Mario that there is a huge market that they were ignoring -- teenage girls. The problem is that they didn't talk to teenage girls so many games were made by men who thought they knew what teenage girls would like, leading to a bunch of garbage games that no one wanted. Which had devs then saying, yet again, that teenage girls didn't like video games.
One thing I think all devs miss is that girls and women play video games. We have always played video games. You don't need to have games aimed at us (as that aim often just misses) but instead just make good video games that include us. A sims that appeals to everyone will just be a better game than one that attempts to go after a very narrow market.
Sims did not start out as a game aimed at girls. I think devs realized that girls did like the game so decided to focus content for teenage girls, which isn't a bad thing until they decided that's the only audience they're focusing on. I know a lot of men and teenage boys who play the Sims, though fewer play Sims 4. A lot of older women play, and I'm in that category. Sims has a massive audience, and making the best game possible as far as life simulation goes -- all aspects of life, not just a small part -- makes for a richer gaming experience. And everyone -- including teenage girls -- likes rich gaming experiences.
Edit: Can you imagine if Nintendo realized that girls like Mario, and made fundamental changes to the structure of the game based on, "well, girls should like this!" rather than just sticking with the formula that made everyone like it? It would have ended up fading away.