"Simburian;c-17260346" wrote:
Being bored and trying to be Devil's Advocate.
I am very happy that girl Simmers like and play other games, playing strong Avatars in a male dominated gaming world but what about those girls and boys who don't want that and are very happy playing a game that allows them to build houses and make their own stories without horrific appocalyptic storylines. Surely there is room for a game for them?
Yes, there's room for options in the game that allow them to set the game up to their liking. There's room for options to tweak the frequency of or totally turn off the dangerous or bad stuff. There's room for options that allow them to make career progression as easy or difficult as they like. There's room for options that allow every player to craft the experience that they want in the game...and the MC Command Center mod proves it. The developers could easily create pre-set conditions for the player to choose from, and sliders and drop-down menus that allow for more specific customization. A more robust set of options built into the game itself would have made everyone much happier. People who want Sparkle-Sparkle Candyland with no challenge to the gameplay could have that, while players who want random meteors and endless chaos with careers that require ranks in five skills and an extremely active social life could have that, and everyone who wants anything inbetween could also have their fun their way. Having barely any options at all, and those with negligible effects on the actual difficulty or level of player control in the game, may serve one set of players very well, but it alienates everyone else...especially when those options are just to cover up the fact that that the game is on universal Easy Mode no matter what you do.