Forum Discussion

fullspiral's avatar
6 years ago

The Museum in Del Sol Valley

What are you replacing it with? We are so limited on lot types that I just don't know what to do with it! I already replaced the gym with a restaurant. I don't want a library. And all we have are parks or bars.

I'm at a loss. Maybe I'll make it residential to look like a high end apartment or something with a penthouse?

What are YOU doing with that lot?
  • "fullspiral;c-16839028" wrote:
    "Shinzen;c-16839009" wrote:
    I know you already decided, but personally I turned it into a huge concert stage where I can put a DJ booth and have people watch my sims perform and dance along. One of my main sims is trying to be a famous DJ so maybe she'll make it up on that stage one day, ahaha.

    Do you have pics? From past experience I know "stages" don't work well in the game and sims watching have to be right up on the stage with them. It breaks immersion for me when I try something like that.

    I actually don't have access to my laptop until Friday, but what I did was I made the stage with no way to get on but then shift + right clicked and then picked "teleport here". Normally I would not be able to go there, and this prevents random people from getting up on stage but I still place the dance floor close enough to be in the radius of the music, so it kinda works out!

    Alternatively, you could make a really short fence with a gate around the stage and then lock it, but idk, I haven't tried that yet. All I've done so far is just quickly teleport up and it's worth it for how long my sim is performing up there. c:
  • I’m thinking of either replacing it with a restaurant or maybe a building where meet and greets happen, who knows! I’m leaning towards restaurant though!
  • I'm still undecided, but this thread has given me some good ideas. Thanks guys!
  • I've changed my mind based on the input in the thread here. I found the perfect build on the gallery and started working on it this morning. It will be a lounge and I will just change one of the other lounges downtown to something else.

    Thanks for the input everyone!
  • A multi lot. I havent made a skyscraper in a while and its high time (get it?) I make a new one for the new world. I really enjoy playing multi lots especially with clubs (the function) as I find it easy to make little stories with my sims in them since you can change the lot type on the fly.