"annaliese39;c-17037920" wrote:
I really enjoy playing toddlers. I suspect the size of your household (esp. the number of toddlers) and different toddler traits can make the experience more or less difficult though, as well as your individual play style of course. My main sim has a clingy toddler and she's just adorable. I do plan on ageing her up to a child eventually once her Daddy has helped her max all her skills, but I want to enjoy the toddler stage a bit longer first, with some toddler play dates and visiting the toddler park together etc.
The 'independent' trait can be a challenge. (It helps if you let the tot ask for things, rather than having the adult suggest them. If you try to give them a bath, they'll refuse, so instead, I have them ask for a bath.) And the 'wild child' trait is a nightmare, especially if you have autonomy on.
I love the 'clingy' trait, too - I like to nurture my tots. If I have things I want my YA to do, I'll often turn off aging, have the YA focus on her career or aspiration or whatever, and when she's done with it, then I start the next generation.
Once the toddler maxes out all her skills, you can still have the adult teach her to say 'please and thank-you', which gives her a head start on the 'manners' trait, and satisfying toddler whims can collect quite a lot of points. Usually, toddler whims are fairly easy and logical - they want to use the toilet or read a story or play with their little tablet. By the time they age up, I've usually got enough points to make my kids 'waterproof' so there's no mucking about with umbrellas. Also, if an adult reads stories to the toddler, it will count toward the 'read two hours with an adult' part of the mental aspiration for kids.
I do want more things to do with my tots once they get all their skills, but then, I always want more stuff for my toddlers.