Forum Discussion

simsontherope's avatar
New Spectator
7 years ago

Trending Hashtags in the Gallery and the large search bar in My Library

Hi !

To be honnest, I don't have mush to say about the gallery changes, as I don't use it that much. But one of the changes affects the Library tab, and it bothers me a bit : as they decided to show the trendings hashtags in the gellery, the part where the search bar was had been sized up. And they did the same in the Library, when there's nothing to show. So there is this large unused space in the height of the tab, which is absolutely not necessary.

Because of this, there is less space below to display registered lots and families. It's not at all ergonomic, and I'm having trouble understanding that choice. Maybe they only wanted the two tabs, Gallery and Library, to match ?

Speaking of the hashtags, the idea to show them could have been a nice idea... if they sometime change and if the way people use them made sense. For now, it's only some random Ep or GP names, and if you look at the items tagged with #cityliving for exemple, some of them don't even use content from this pack, or the item have nothing to do with this pack thematic : I think most creator put them only because they are trendings hashtags, so they hope to gain some visibility by using them. Yep, it's kind of a vicious cycle, and it explain why these tags almost never change.

So showing them has no point, it only takes space (in the gallery, and in the library, as they want the tabs to match) for nothing.

There was some nice ideas in this gallery overhaul (and no, people working on the UI and people working on fixing bugs or adding gameplay are not the same, so they didn't did this instead of something else), but there is still some issues.

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