Congratulations! The closest I've come to triplets in my game is my Sim got abducted just moments before his wedding. I clicked on the arch and he was suddenly returned then I was lamenting that I had blown a great opportunity. (I was playing Pinstar's Legacy Challenge at the time.) Of course, the couple tried for baby on their wedding night. The thing about legacies is you have to keep it moving forward, you know? Well, she got preggars and at first I noticed he was getting a tad paunchy. Then I got a really good look at him and it turned out he was preggars, too! I tried to have both of them listen to Alternative music (which by itself had worked for me in the past). I had no carrots for them to eat. She gives birth to a girl and I was crest-fallen. Then several hours later, he finally goes into labor and has a girl. Now I'm bummed out. Until, wait a minute, he's not finished yet. Out pops a boy! So, since all three babies were born on the same day, they were presented as triplets. Who cares that the one girl and the boy are a lovely shade of lavender. LOL Have fun!