7 years ago
TS4 Just Acting EP?
Get Famous look awesome so far, especially the world and all the acting depth. Still... this hollywood recreation is missing a recording studio for singers, and a stage to perform on. Literally two ob...
"Sigzy05;c-16772104" wrote:"Cinebar;c-16772082" wrote:"Dannydanbo;c-16770549" wrote:"Cinebar;c-16770509" wrote:"marcel21;c-16770468" wrote:
in the original servey it mentioned a singer career and a career as a director to.
I remember that. How come Superstar was so full of many different hands on careers and we didn't even have to stick to one but could jump around every day, and this EP is just an acting career? A director career would have been fun for me. 'No, you stink! get out of here!' I would have enjoyed making some Sims cry. >:) lol
You can't possibly compare the S1 Superstar acting career with the acting career in Get Famous. In Superstar, you clicked three buttons in any order until the director was happy and then done. In GF, the whole system is obviously more hands on and immersive for the player whose sim is in the acting career. Your actor sim goes to Plumbob Studios and goes into wardrobe to get into costume, then, make-up to get that look correct and finally, heads to the set to be told by the director what is happening in this scene. Your sim hits their mark, says the lines and, BOOM, a star is born.
To me, GF is a vast improvement on the acting career. And if that means that modeling and bands got squeezed out to make room for more acting stuff, I'm all for it. Modeling and bands can come later in a separate pack.
Please, no singer, no comedian, no modeling... no limos, no traffic jams, and no, you couldn't just hit the menu buttons until you got it right. (It wasn't a guessing game) You had to skill and have the right personality that day, be in a very good mood, and which one they wanted you to do/perform was not just a 'guess' but a strategy. Go play it again, TS4 falls short again.
Singing is in CL! 10 level skill obviously it’s not in this pack. You can still be a singer and perform won venues with a microphone.