7 years ago
TS4 Just Acting EP?
Get Famous look awesome so far, especially the world and all the acting depth. Still... this hollywood recreation is missing a recording studio for singers, and a stage to perform on. Literally two ob...
"bixters;c-16770984" wrote:
I'm getting annoyed with people making the excuse "Well, now you can get famous by doing other careers and skills, so who cares if there's no modeling, singing or bands?" Adding a fame system to other careers isn't very hard. In the Sims 2 & 3, your reputation and fame applied to all your social interactions, friends and behavior, and in Sims 3 it also applied to your career level and how much money you had. So, what they're doing here isn't that special. In Sims 3, fame came with Late Night, and that also came with papparazi, butlers, bars and clubs, penthouses, apartments, vampires, the film career, 4 new skills, and zodiac signs. What does this pack currently come with? One career, 1 possible new "acting" skill, the "fame" system, and a new world. That's it. Is that really worth $40? And are you willing to spend an extra $20 to $40 for modeling, singing and band packs?
And yes, we've only seen 1 trailer, but in the trailer for Seasons, we saw about 90% of the content in a one minute trailer, including all 4 seasons and most of the activities. Don't expect there to be many "surprises" if they haven't revealed them already. Sorry for the doom and gloom, but it's true.
Unless the acting career is super detailed, complicated and in depth, I am very suspicious of what exactly makes this pack worth $40.
"soko37;c-16771655" wrote:
I'm skeptical, as most are, how this qualifies as an EP. I'm not sure if I am going to buy it. So far the only one I haven't bought is pet stuff and I never will. Looking forward to hearing more details of this career and how it could change gameplay so much that it's an EP. We shall see