Forum Discussion

Stina1701A's avatar
Seasoned Ace
6 years ago

University and rotational players...

Well...I really love that University is coming to town, so to speak but I was wondering how it would/will affect rotational players? For instance, do I have to play out the household until enrolled Sim(s) have graduated or can I household hop and then when I go back into said household(s) my Sim(s) can just pick up where they left off?

46 Replies

  • "duhboy2u2;c-17328489" wrote:
    I do leave it on. But I always switch their aspiration to the new DU one because it completes quickly and gives them points enough for a youth potion. I don't like going home to play my other sims only to return and find my college sims aged up.

    When I'm playing my rotational game, I only give my college student a few classes a semester also. Its probably a personal paranoia, but I'm always afraid they'll get too far with too low a grade if I'm not there with them.

    Now I'm wondering if I should just turn aging off in my saves while in University.

    I use the setting that allows only the active house to age in my rotation save. If you play your households fairly evenly it works out well. I played a few students that I would only play the first day of each term, and let the game take over the rest. I found that as long as I completed any papers or projects, and kept their appropriate class skills up (I think at about 6) they did just fine (one graduated with an A, the other with a B+).
  • How long can you play after the end of one term before you have to either re enroll or lose your scholarships? And does that timer keep running if you switch households before you re enroll?
  • I'm not rotating Sims while in Uni - One Sims at a time - to avoid the hassle but my Sim is friends with all my other sims just I don't play the other sims lots.
  • Mainly I play rotational so I will play my uni sims 1 or 2 terms (max) and then rotate without re-enrolling as that saves my uni sims progress. Apart from the bug of having diplomas in the wrong household inventory I can play rotation with no issue. I’ve now rotated between 5 households all in different worlds
  • "Daephene;c-17328553" wrote:
    How long can you play after the end of one term before you have to either re enroll or lose your scholarships? And does that timer keep running if you switch households before you re enroll?

    Personally I had enrolled all my students on the same day, so I never let any time go by after the term ended. As soon as my active student received her grades for the term, I would load each student’s lot and enroll them all again that same day.
  • I will turn aging off completely while I play sims in university so I can make sure they don't fail or age out of sync with the rest of their family.