Here's what I'm hoping for a high school pack
- Active classes. And not just classes where you sit and write; I want drama classes, gym, art, shop, science, etc.
- Elective classes, so people can customize their learning experience.
- Clubs, with active meetings and special events. I'd prefer not to have rabbit holes, but it'd be cool if we had chess tournaments, sports competitions, swim meets, school plays, concerts, NaNoWriMo, and cheer nationals.
- Cliques like the popular kids, the outsiders, the jocks, the nerds, and the dragon fans. Depending on what group you're part of, you'll find it easier or harder to befriend others of other groups, or dealing with random events that relate to them.
- Cliques and clubs don't clash with each other, so you can have a jock Chess player, or a goth cheerleader.
- A Dungeons & Dragons-like board game, comics, and some other nerdy fan stuff.
- School projects.
- Bullying? Would probably be too controversial for the Sims 4, but bullies are a part of nearly everyone's school experience at some point or another. A teen with the Mean trait and a random clique could be picked; you can befriend them, tell on them, fight them, or convince your clique to help you out.
- Pep rallies
- More sports, please?
- Some schools let you raise pets, eggs, robot babies or sacks of flowers to prepare you for parenthood. Let's do that, but with dragons.
- New events: teen house parties, prom, school fundraisers, talent shows, club-based events.
- An overhaul on the party rating system, making it similar to what we had in The Sims 2.
- A gossip system. Spread gossip about other sims, or have your enemies spread gossip about you. You can refute accusations or ruin another sim's credibility. Maybe we can tie it into Get Famous' reputation system.
- Acne.
- Spontaneous crushes, if we get an attraction system and clear sexual orientation. Based on your preference, your teen sim can develop a crush on a sim of he same age, which will give them max attraction points with that sim. It's temporary, but it can happen to anyone - including sims your teen absolutely despises. So your sim can develop a crush on their bully and try to win their heart.