8 years agoSeasoned Veteran
Vampire Cure
My sim has all the ingredients. Does her mixology skill have to be a 10 or what before she can make the drink? I want her to explore Brindleton Bay and Vampires are so limited. ?
"verlainem;c-16279587" wrote:
I have been planning on making a community garden - save having to find the items for every sim. I like the idea of a bar add lol
In the meantime I think I will have my teen vamp who is not happy being a vamp get all the ingredients together between his neighbours and his place to make the potion
"VenusABatson;c-16283606" wrote:"EgonVM;c-16279641" wrote:"VenusABatson;c-16278619" wrote:"Simpatsyann;c-16199875" wrote:
No, your sim learns the drinks with the vampire lore skill, not the mixology skill. So once they "discover" it they can make it even if they have no mixology skill at all. Just click on the bar and if it shows up under "make drink" it can be made. :)
Seems you have to have 30 Garlic, 30 Plasma Fruit and 30 Wolfbane and then you can make one drink cure. I have my sim planting a lot of those and hoping to have other vampires visit the lot so they can harvest them and make their own cures as well. :)
Acutally, you can make 3 cures from 30 garlic, 30 plasma fruit and 30 wolfbane as one requires 10 garlic, 10 plasma fruit and 10 wolfbane.
The cures never come out in the poor quality, but it costs about 1,000 simoleons. Think about how much do you have to pay for the vampire tomes in order to raise the Vampire Lore skill to level 15 in order to make the cure. At least after that your sim can share the vampire knowledge with other sims, raising their vampire lore skill.
I thought so too but it requires 30 of each as I have made the cure before and couldn't do it until I had 30 of each before the option to make the drink came up. :/
"kalaksed;c-16284800" wrote:
that's very strange. my various sims that have made the cure only needed 10 of each (though some of them are huge collectors and already had 100+ of each...).
also, i tend to have the three vampire pack plants growing in various lots, myself (just recently had the vampire hunter start planting them in her new house, since she had some in the old one. specifically to make cures for when she's out hunting (to remove only specific vampires i personally don't like))
double also, i've also got a few public lots with the various plants in them, too. one is a botanical garden that i'm still not happy with and am constantly poking at. the goal is to have at least one of every plant in the game in a 64x64 lot. not just harvestables, but all the landscaping ones, too. in almost distinct biomes (but, like the 'faerie' (plantsim related) and vampire plants in little subsections of the overall 'forest' (which is mostly granite falls but fades to cats and dogs as the landscape becomes rockier, turning into the coastal feel for that pack. as an example)).
and, last up, triple also... this was meant to be part of the earlier paragraph, but that one's already gone off on a bit of a tangent, so starting over here. if you're interested, i have a 'vampire bar' set up in my gallery (same name as here) that has all the vampire pack plants growing in it. it's set up in a graveyard, entrances in two different crypts. the garlic and wolfsbane (and mosquito plant) are both growing on the surface, around the pond. there are two plasma trees downstairs, in an open room behind the bar proper. if anyone *is* interested in this, make sure to just get 'vampire bar' because 'graveyard and vampire bar' was a proof of concept lot i put up before vampires came out (specifically because a friend wanted to poke at it) and seems to still get downloaded every other day even though it says 'this came out before vampires, look at the new one if you want the stuff'