I wonder if vaults last forever, or if there is some restrictions?
In my game a few vaults were added long ago - we're talking several RL years. Among other creations, I had fun building a secret vault cellar under the bank office. Then I forgot about it, and because I play rotationally only one vault owner died yet. His heir had to break into the vault because his father (or I...) had forgotten to pass it on while there was still time. Back then, I think the heir managed to take over the values.
Tonight another vault owner visited the vault cellar - Baron Bud of Gloom. I can spill it here as I assume none of my sims will read this forum, LOL. Old Bud managed to open the vault, so the ownership was still active. His son, The Honorable Edward von Kaching, managed to lock the vault afterwards. All good.
But I could not find anything about how much money the vault was holding. How do I look that up? They were able to take out money (I chose only §2 to test whether the balance would then be given, but nope.
Is there a way to see the total value of a vault?
- How much is it, father?
- No idea, son. Anything between §100 and §100,000,000.
- Did you earn them honestly?
- Well, I had my ways... and so will you, son.
I happen to have TS4 open this time, so I did a little testing. My previous idea didn't work but it's very easy to find out how much is in the vault, at least for the owner. Just hover your pointer over the vault and read the tooltip. Mine says "Simoleons in Vault: 9372."