> @phenson65 said:
> > @CK213 said:
> > I started grinning when I saw my sim wanted to listen to Jazz music.
> > Not the fact that it was Jazz, but because it was based off one of her likes. This is what I wanted most for Whims (now Wants).
> > It helps bring out their personalities.
> >
> > I went through my current household and all their likes were about things related to traits, aspirations, relationships, and likes.
> > Nothing about Bee Boxes or 1 x 1 pools.
> >
> > What I don't like is they removed the cancel feature and they expect you to buy a potion to cancel the want.
> > Talk about short-sighted, so what if you roll another Want that you don't want? Are you going to buy another potion?
> > No, so it's a feature that few people will actually use, or use very sparingly.
> >
> > That must be there because the amount of wants are actually limited and it will keep you from seeing how quickly they roll the same wants again.
Sorry about the quote only post. I'm new to this and pushed the wrong button. :wink:
Good riddance to the bee boxes and 1 x 1 pools. The loss of the cancel button is a real pain. I'm getting wants from my family oriented sims to do things that are way ahead of where they are at in their relationship. Thinking about leaving notes and drawing for people when they don't have one of those bulletin boards. None of my families have those bulletin boards because of those exact, endlessly repeating whims. Now, we get them as wants just out of the blue and can't make them go away.
This is NOT acceptable. I really hope they fix it or I'm going to have to turn them off and I really like using whims/wants and fears to guide my gameplay.