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- I like new worlds in these games as many as we can get. But right now, I feel I need a world editor that will let me change an existing one to any type of world I would want. (Inside the game not outside the game) like turn WC into a very urban city. lol So, I would need this inside the game to remove those backdrops and edit the town to be a dirty city with crime in my mind. Not saying all urban cities are that way, but I want to play that way and can't. For a dozen reasons other than no world editor or proper backdrops or décor.
I have been begging them for a very urban city for would think they would finally build one with lots of crime, lots of undesirable elements in that hood, from Sim types, and lots of city type objects that aren't picture perfect. Factories that pollute, Sims that mug (Unsavory Charlatan pick pocket) police, burglars, low or bad environment scores, etc. But I guess that's no longer politically correct to build a world in The Sims that reflects real life. - Well, I am sure we will get a new one soon, and by soon I mean it the same way that guru did in the tweet....."soon".
I would love more variety. Like a farming town, with open land to explore, big lots to have animals and farms. A city with big buildings and apartments. A coastal town with a northern feel, not a tropical one, I want a tropical one too but not all coastal towns are tropical.
What I really want is another place to vacation!!! I like camping but, you know, not everyone wants to vacation only in the woods. "chickenow;14695755" wrote:
"drake_mccarty;14695585" wrote:
"Gabe_oz;14695491" wrote:
Worlds aren't going to be coming faster. Worlds take an entire team months to make )that's why magnolia promenade was just a single neighborhood, because of newcrest).
I don't think people understand what goes behind a sims 4 world. It's not just click and drag and you're done like previous games. Worlds are massive (and small) bits of 3d and 2d facades that are pieced together like a puzzle. Unless you are familiar with game mechanics/code, game design, and modeling. You shouldn't even consider making or editing Sims 4 worlds.
Not true. Magnolia promenade is a single neighborhood because they prioritized creating largely unusable neighborhoods for all of the careers. We got Newcrest months after GTW was already available, and NC is literally a copy/paste job of willow creek with terribly placed lots.
And what are you even talking about with the size? They are not massive, they're extremely small. Even Windeburg is smaller than a world in Sims 3. The creation process is more or less the same as it would be in 3, but roads and sidewalks are now hard coded objects into the worlds. It's definitely not rocket science to create a new world, these people can absolutely get a new one out every 6mo if they wanted to.
Entertaining the idea that it is impossible to edit neighbourhoods and add roads.... Couldn't they at least add pretty rendered templates? Like different themes and ones with different lot sizes for us to pick and chose. Newcrest seemed to use a simular template to Willow Creek and even some of the lot sizes are directly imported from Oasis Springs/Willow Creek just with different backdrops.
I'm not saying it's impossible, but we were told pretty firmly before GTW came out that they didn't have the ability to add onto existing worlds.
We will never see an in game editor that allows us to edit existing road structures. That is absolutely out of the question, but a world creator is possible. It's just a matter of priority, does Maxis feel that a world creator would benefit the game? They saw how many people caught onto CAW in Sims 3 and made worlds that rivaled EA worlds in terms of quality and functionality and all of the user made worlds were absolutely free.
As it is now Maxis dominates the field, a new world can only be provided by them, and they haven't made any statements on a world creator. They've already started using worlds as a selling point on their packs (GT) which tells me they are going to hold off on a world creator so they can use that to sell their packs.- ck2139 years agoLegendEmpty like Newcrest, areas detailed like Windenburg.
Make it so that each section's backgrounds hints at the existence of the other worlds. - It would be interesting to know if they could give us a world generator map like the Tropico games do. I would love a map generator. I don't play many other games that are MMOs etc. that would give me any experience to build maps, (Not in several years) so the Tropico games are the only idea I could come up with, that lets you pick the elevation, the vegetation, and the minerals, etc. and then generates it shape and how much land available by size etc. That would be interesting for a Sims' game to do.
- pepperjax12309 years agoSeasoned AceAgreed but I rather have it when we have like farm stuff so we could make like a farm neighborhood.
"drake_mccarty;14695949" wrote:
You are a downer why post if you are going to shatter peoples hopes and you don't know that for a fact. Do you work for EA and know for a fact they can't add on to other neighborhoods? Just because they said something last year it might not apply now."chickenow;14695755" wrote:
"drake_mccarty;14695585" wrote:
"Gabe_oz;14695491" wrote:
Worlds aren't going to be coming faster. Worlds take an entire team months to make )that's why magnolia promenade was just a single neighborhood, because of newcrest).
I don't think people understand what goes behind a sims 4 world. It's not just click and drag and you're done like previous games. Worlds are massive (and small) bits of 3d and 2d facades that are pieced together like a puzzle. Unless you are familiar with game mechanics/code, game design, and modeling. You shouldn't even consider making or editing Sims 4 worlds.
Not true. Magnolia promenade is a single neighborhood because they prioritized creating largely unusable neighborhoods for all of the careers. We got Newcrest months after GTW was already available, and NC is literally a copy/paste job of willow creek with terribly placed lots.
And what are you even talking about with the size? They are not massive, they're extremely small. Even Windeburg is smaller than a world in Sims 3. The creation process is more or less the same as it would be in 3, but roads and sidewalks are now hard coded objects into the worlds. It's definitely not rocket science to create a new world, these people can absolutely get a new one out every 6mo if they wanted to.
Entertaining the idea that it is impossible to edit neighbourhoods and add roads.... Couldn't they at least add pretty rendered templates? Like different themes and ones with different lot sizes for us to pick and chose. Newcrest seemed to use a simular template to Willow Creek and even some of the lot sizes are directly imported from Oasis Springs/Willow Creek just with different backdrops.
I'm not saying it's impossible, but we were told pretty firmly before GTW came out that they didn't have the ability to add onto existing worlds.
We will never see an in game editor that allows us to edit existing road structures. That is absolutely out of the question, but a world creator is possible. It's just a matter of priority, does Maxis feel that a world creator would benefit the game? They saw how many people caught onto CAW in Sims 3 and made worlds that rivaled EA worlds in terms of quality and functionality and all of the user made worlds were absolutely free.
As it is now Maxis dominates the field, a new world can only be provided by them, and they haven't made any statements on a world creator. They've already started using worlds as a selling point on their packs (GT) which tells me they are going to hold off on a world creator so they can use that to sell their packs. - I don't need one yet, myself, but I could see where others are already at a point where they need to expand. I don't want another populated World added but only because of the population cap.
"Cinebar;14695964" wrote:
It would be interesting to know if they could give us a world generator map like the Tropico games do. I would love a map generator. I don't play many other games that are MMOs etc. that would give me any experience to build maps, (Not in several years) so the Tropico games are the only idea I could come up with, that lets you pick the elevation, the vegetation, and the minerals, etc. and then generates it shape and how much land available by size etc. That would be interesting for a Sims' game to do.
I don't think so with this game engine."pepperjax1230;14695965" wrote:
Agreed but I rather have it when we have like farm stuff so we could make like a farm neighborhood."drake_mccarty;14695949" wrote:
You are a downer why post if you are going to shatter peoples hopes and you don't know that for a fact. Do you work for EA and know for a fact they can't add on to other neighborhoods? Just because they said something last year it might not apply now."chickenow;14695755" wrote:
"drake_mccarty;14695585" wrote:
"Gabe_oz;14695491" wrote:
Worlds aren't going to be coming faster. Worlds take an entire team months to make )that's why magnolia promenade was just a single neighborhood, because of newcrest).
I don't think people understand what goes behind a sims 4 world. It's not just click and drag and you're done like previous games. Worlds are massive (and small) bits of 3d and 2d facades that are pieced together like a puzzle. Unless you are familiar with game mechanics/code, game design, and modeling. You shouldn't even consider making or editing Sims 4 worlds.
Not true. Magnolia promenade is a single neighborhood because they prioritized creating largely unusable neighborhoods for all of the careers. We got Newcrest months after GTW was already available, and NC is literally a copy/paste job of willow creek with terribly placed lots.
And what are you even talking about with the size? They are not massive, they're extremely small. Even Windeburg is smaller than a world in Sims 3. The creation process is more or less the same as it would be in 3, but roads and sidewalks are now hard coded objects into the worlds. It's definitely not rocket science to create a new world, these people can absolutely get a new one out every 6mo if they wanted to.
Entertaining the idea that it is impossible to edit neighbourhoods and add roads.... Couldn't they at least add pretty rendered templates? Like different themes and ones with different lot sizes for us to pick and chose. Newcrest seemed to use a simular template to Willow Creek and even some of the lot sizes are directly imported from Oasis Springs/Willow Creek just with different backdrops.
I'm not saying it's impossible, but we were told pretty firmly before GTW came out that they didn't have the ability to add onto existing worlds.
We will never see an in game editor that allows us to edit existing road structures. That is absolutely out of the question, but a world creator is possible. It's just a matter of priority, does Maxis feel that a world creator would benefit the game? They saw how many people caught onto CAW in Sims 3 and made worlds that rivaled EA worlds in terms of quality and functionality and all of the user made worlds were absolutely free.
As it is now Maxis dominates the field, a new world can only be provided by them, and they haven't made any statements on a world creator. They've already started using worlds as a selling point on their packs (GT) which tells me they are going to hold off on a world creator so they can use that to sell their packs.
Lol I'm simply supplying the information we have, if that upsets you blame Maxis. I'm not here to shatter hopes and dreams, I'm here to respond to other posters with my opinion that has zero effect on you or your ability to enjoy the game.
IMO the time and place for them to add onto existing worlds has came and passed. I don't need another Willow Creek, or Oasis Springs. They kept them as the primary worlds for over a year, and created new neighborhoods using the same styles and content. They have exhausted the styles there and it's time to move on to new ideas and themes.
Lastly, just because they CAN do something doesn't mean they will. Look at babies, they said shortly after the game launched that they had the tech to make them "free" , but that still hasn't happened. It's a matter of priority, and I wouldn't hate for their main priority to be focused on creating new worlds instead of extending the existing ones we have. Different yet equal opinion to yours, doesn't make me a downer."drake_mccarty;14696087" wrote:
"pepperjax1230;14695965" wrote:
Agreed but I rather have it when we have like farm stuff so we could make like a farm neighborhood."drake_mccarty;14695949" wrote:
You are a downer why post if you are going to shatter peoples hopes and you don't know that for a fact. Do you work for EA and know for a fact they can't add on to other neighborhoods? Just because they said something last year it might not apply now."chickenow;14695755" wrote:
"drake_mccarty;14695585" wrote:
"Gabe_oz;14695491" wrote:
Worlds aren't going to be coming faster. Worlds take an entire team months to make )that's why magnolia promenade was just a single neighborhood, because of newcrest).
I don't think people understand what goes behind a sims 4 world. It's not just click and drag and you're done like previous games. Worlds are massive (and small) bits of 3d and 2d facades that are pieced together like a puzzle. Unless you are familiar with game mechanics/code, game design, and modeling. You shouldn't even consider making or editing Sims 4 worlds.
Not true. Magnolia promenade is a single neighborhood because they prioritized creating largely unusable neighborhoods for all of the careers. We got Newcrest months after GTW was already available, and NC is literally a copy/paste job of willow creek with terribly placed lots.
And what are you even talking about with the size? They are not massive, they're extremely small. Even Windeburg is smaller than a world in Sims 3. The creation process is more or less the same as it would be in 3, but roads and sidewalks are now hard coded objects into the worlds. It's definitely not rocket science to create a new world, these people can absolutely get a new one out every 6mo if they wanted to.
Entertaining the idea that it is impossible to edit neighbourhoods and add roads.... Couldn't they at least add pretty rendered templates? Like different themes and ones with different lot sizes for us to pick and chose. Newcrest seemed to use a simular template to Willow Creek and even some of the lot sizes are directly imported from Oasis Springs/Willow Creek just with different backdrops.
I'm not saying it's impossible, but we were told pretty firmly before GTW came out that they didn't have the ability to add onto existing worlds.
We will never see an in game editor that allows us to edit existing road structures. That is absolutely out of the question, but a world creator is possible. It's just a matter of priority, does Maxis feel that a world creator would benefit the game? They saw how many people caught onto CAW in Sims 3 and made worlds that rivaled EA worlds in terms of quality and functionality and all of the user made worlds were absolutely free.
As it is now Maxis dominates the field, a new world can only be provided by them, and they haven't made any statements on a world creator. They've already started using worlds as a selling point on their packs (GT) which tells me they are going to hold off on a world creator so they can use that to sell their packs.
Lol I'm simply supplying the information we have, if that upsets you blame Maxis. I'm not here to shatter hopes and dreams, I'm here to respond to other posters with my opinion that has zero effect on you or your ability to enjoy the game.
IMO the time and place for them to add onto existing worlds has came and passed. I don't need another Willow Creek, or Oasis Springs. They kept them as the primary worlds for over a year, and created new neighborhoods using the same styles and content. They have exhausted the styles there and it's time to move on to new ideas and themes.
Lastly, just because they CAN do something doesn't mean they will. Look at babies, they said shortly after the game launched that they had the tech to make them "free" , but that still hasn't happened. It's a matter of priority, and I wouldn't hate for their main priority to be focused on creating new worlds instead of extending the existing ones we have. Different yet equal opinion to yours, doesn't make me a downer.
Information with sources is better.
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