@darrenfroggy I am on a Mac. I did just update to Catalina. I wasn't going to because my husband said he wasn't sure if I'd have problems, so I held off until last night. I didn't mention it here, though I guess I should since it might be pertinent.
After I tried and failed repeatedly to get Origin to work, I installed the update hoping that was why. It was after that, that Origin worked again, but I couldn't play until deleting the Sims 4 folder, and I couldn't put my saved game back in.
No, I no longer have it. After I tried repeatedly to put it back in, or put parts of it back in and failed, I threw it all away. I kinda wish I hadn't, I'd continue trying to find a work around. But it was 1 AM by the time I gave up and I was just cranky and tired. An earlier version of it may be backed up in the cloud, because we do auto backups of our entire hard drives there, but I'm not sure.