"DaniRose2143;c-18131711" wrote:
I have never had a pack I have enjoyed more than this one. I have lots of packs that I love, but in just over 24 hours this one has topped them all, and we're all still just scratching the surface of what is in there.
Makes you wonder now if MWS suffered the way it did because it was being developed parallel to this one for a few critical months. They were released close enough together that their development tracks would have been side by side for some time. The level of detail in Werewolves, anything coming along at that same moment in time might not have gotten quite the attention that any two other parallel packs got. More time and resources were getting funneled into Werewolves, or so it seems.
I will definitely be watching the news on any future packs to see if SimGuruBat and GrimSuruDoi and working together on it. If this is any indication of what they do heading up a project they will have my full attention. Sorry if I'm gushing, but I can't help it, I love this pack. I'm not having any trouble overlooking some of the disappointing aspects. There are things left out I wish hadn't been, but it's not bugging me like I thought it might before I got my hands on it.
I'm no developer, but I think another issue for MWS is that it was very ambitious in what it wanted to do, but it broke the rules of King Autonomy. Sims just aren't meant for sitting and focusing on one thing for very long.
However even compared to other good packs, they just went above and beyond with this one. The build up to it was awesome. It was really fun watching the speculation. And the Gurus were really open about various things we could look forward to, without giving too much away.
It makes me really happy to see Werewolves get this treatment, finally, because I've always felt like they were really underdeveloped in the other games. Seeing the hype around this pack has also been great as someone who is almost 100% an occult player. I've been waiting on this pack for years now, and I'm not let down.