"Kerrigan;c-18133578" wrote:
I'm really enjoying the different temperaments. I had to clone one of the trailer sims because the one in the gallery has max'd out Werewolf powers and traits and the clone started with the Territorial temperament so she gets fussy if Werewolves are marking their territory near her. It's one of my favorite temperaments so far. I had another one get Carnivore for his first temperament so he was grumpy eating out of the fridge while building up enough points to go hunting.
My werewolf got Carnivore first too. It took a while to figure out how to deal with it. Now that she has the hunter perk everything is fine. She got Wolf Brain next, then Easily Excitable, and Night Wolf. She has the Wolf Nap perk, and if I have her sleep on the ground in a patch of sunlight she'll let out little contented growls. It's probably something they all do all the time, but I like to pretend she's doing because it feels good to curl up in that patch of sunshine. Just like doggos and kitties do in the real world.
I love the caption with wolf brain, thinking hard head hurt. There are days where I can relate. Guess I have wolf brain too.?