When You Lose The Picture . . .
I had the quintessential picture that sparked an idea for the next update. I wrote up the update, tweaking it here and there, but failed to get it posted before we left for our little excursion However, today when I had a chance to look at things, could I find said picture. No. I spent the entire day scouring through my computer and it's nowhere. I'm so frustrated I could cry. I should have uploaded it to imjur when I wanted to, then at least it would be safe. Instead, I know have to find a picture that conveys as much that this one did, quite by accident. This picture just happened, if you know what I mean.
So, how many of you have suffered the loss of that perfect picture? I could surely use some tea and sympathy at the moment. I'm beside myself as to just where it went. Oi!