Forum Discussion

FlamingoKicker's avatar
Rising Novice
10 years ago

Why do we have a fire alarm but no fire department?

I guess they made the fire alarm object in the game and then decided not to code in the actual Fire Department NPCs? At least they then added in the actual fire prevention device to put out the fires.

Why not add Servos back to the game? I loved him in the original game. Some of the later versions became alittle too "human" for me but the original robot design was handy.
  • It's a sign of what's to come

  • Probably because there is no fire department! But, I'm cynical, too.
  • @Sharonia Ahh that's where I have been going wrong I tried with cookers. Although in my current apartment in city life I have a fireplace that I haven't touched and no fire in 10ish hours.
  • My main family has had three fire so far, surprisingly the fireplace hasn't started any. Two or four cooking and one was when they were lighting the Christmas tree