Forum Discussion

gamertherapy's avatar
5 years ago

"Why don't you go to UFC world; we don't need you in Sim world"?!

Weirdest in-game message ever, apparently said by Lilith to Caleb after suddenly yelling at him for no reason. What does it MEAN?
"Why don't you go to UFC World? We don't need you in Sim world!"

Wha....? A Sim referencing the Sim world seems like breaking the fourth wall, to me. What's going on?
  • "Chazzzy;c-17371475" wrote:
    You must have the EV mod by Sacrificial. That Sim’s reputation is in the toilet. That’s why you’re seeing that message.

    Oh NO. I have to fix that, because it's Caleb whose reputation is in the toilet, and I know why, too: In one game, he had to beat the tar outta Talon for a storyline, and even though I didn't want witnesses to the hardcore brutality going on, they showed up anyway.

    Thanks for clearing that up for me! Do you know anything about the message that goes something like: "Attention, everyone: this woman is dangerous and will attack you!"? It happens when Caleb interacts with Morgan (which is seriously inconvenient to the story I'm trying to develop). So far as I know, Morgan hasn't done anything heinous, though she's had heinous things done to her. Would that be somehow something Caleb is saying about her because he's such a thug now, in the game? (hahaha gotta fix that!)
  • The weird thing for me, about it, is I haven't changed my mods in quite a while, nothing new, but this message happened after two people on close, friendly terms with Caleb, would just suddenly start yelling at him for no reason, in the middle of a friendly conversation. Luckily neither he nor they apppeared to get upset by it, but it is weird.

    Sure, it's got to be a mod, but I wonder why the sudden change when I haven't done anything different with my mods? Maybe the update did something, or one of the mod updates did.

    Thanks for putting your thoughts in on it. Hoping someone has seen it and gets the rationale behind it.
  • Ohhhh, and I just realized, when Caleb is interacting with Morgan, twice now, the message has appeared along with fight music: something like "Everyone listen up: This woman will attack you! She's dangerous!" or something like that. And I have no idea what that's doing, either. I should go check out the websites of Sacrificial and Basemental and see if there are any leads.
  • Done. Then I got MCCC mod and pushed the obliterate button on relationships and now everyone's vaguely happy for no particular reason. It's almost too bad. But things weren't heading in a good direction anyway...they were heading into more an operatic ending, direction. >:) Which might be a fun thing to do anyway...