8 years ago
Your Most Meaningful Screenshots?
So I don't know about you guys, but if there's one thing I love about playing Sims, it's storytelling. And for me, with storytelling comes the pressure of taking the most meaningful screenshots I can - I want them to be able to tell the story all by themselves. Taken meaningful and aesthetically beautiful screenshots in-game has become so important to me that I actually have to take pictures of everything lol; now, if only I were as good at real life photography. :lol:
If there's another thing I love about Sims, it's to go on the forums and look at other Simmers' amazing storylines and screenshots! This got me wondering, what are your most precious and meaningful screenshots? They don't have to be aesthetically beautiful - my first screenshots were all taken with graphics on low - but they can be. If you don't mind sharing, I would love to see some of your all-time favorite screenshots. :blush: I know that there are some other screenshot-focused threads out there, but from what I've seen most tend to focus on the story behind the screenshots. While this is also very interesting, I'd love to have one thread dedicated to the beauty of screenshots themselves, which are not to be underestimated when it comes to storytelling.
Here's some of mine:
If there's another thing I love about Sims, it's to go on the forums and look at other Simmers' amazing storylines and screenshots! This got me wondering, what are your most precious and meaningful screenshots? They don't have to be aesthetically beautiful - my first screenshots were all taken with graphics on low - but they can be. If you don't mind sharing, I would love to see some of your all-time favorite screenshots. :blush: I know that there are some other screenshot-focused threads out there, but from what I've seen most tend to focus on the story behind the screenshots. While this is also very interesting, I'd love to have one thread dedicated to the beauty of screenshots themselves, which are not to be underestimated when it comes to storytelling.
Here's some of mine: