2 years ago
Need miracle about leaf/snow/dust texture problems
So basically, I have been trying to fix this problem with leaves, snow, and dust having broken textures in the game. Logically it should be a mod, but the problem is the issue doesn't seem to have a "start at start up" problem. When I remove all mods the leaf texture returns to normal but when I try to add mods back to do a 50/50 removal, the leaf or snow texture refuses to be broken until "later" in the game. Because of this I can't actually ascertain if this is mod issue or base game texture problem. I just need anybody with this issue that has fixed it or encountered it that can lead me into the right direction. If anyone at all has experienced this that doesn't use mods, it could go a long way to recovering my sanity. There have only been two threads I found on reddit with a similar issue, neither was resolved. I would love to enjoy seasons again but until I fix this, I honestly have considered just playing with it off but it would really hurt my feelings to play the game without the functionality of basically one expansion and 1 stuff pack.
To explain the visual problem leaf piles appear as rainbow splotches on the ground, the dust covers the ENTIRE floor with the rainbow texture and the falling snow flurries are white/black squares with ? on them .
In the past I've achieved grand success from the 50/50 method I know how to do it but sometimes issues that don't appear when the game loads causes the 50/50 method to become less sufficient. It means having to test play a save for random amount of minutes or even hours, and its relatively frustrating to try to "play a half loaded save" . The results have been fruitless, I've spent about 12 hours trying to play test a little at a time for each save but I can't "trigger" the texture problem , it just happens to happen when I travel on lots randomly. I really need any help from those that suffered this nature texture glitch , any culprits from your saves that might also be a culprit in mine.
To be clear against I have already thoroughly tested that my game didn't have any world texture overwrites. Thought I can't be 100% I don't believe any of my cc items overwrite any textures involving grass, rocks, trees, snow, dust, or leaves.
I have also started new save files, this issue is on every save I have, eventually the dreaded broken textures shows up. I have repaired the game files as well. pls. halp me. T_T lol.
To explain the visual problem leaf piles appear as rainbow splotches on the ground, the dust covers the ENTIRE floor with the rainbow texture and the falling snow flurries are white/black squares with ? on them .
In the past I've achieved grand success from the 50/50 method I know how to do it but sometimes issues that don't appear when the game loads causes the 50/50 method to become less sufficient. It means having to test play a save for random amount of minutes or even hours, and its relatively frustrating to try to "play a half loaded save" . The results have been fruitless, I've spent about 12 hours trying to play test a little at a time for each save but I can't "trigger" the texture problem , it just happens to happen when I travel on lots randomly. I really need any help from those that suffered this nature texture glitch , any culprits from your saves that might also be a culprit in mine.
To be clear against I have already thoroughly tested that my game didn't have any world texture overwrites. Thought I can't be 100% I don't believe any of my cc items overwrite any textures involving grass, rocks, trees, snow, dust, or leaves.
I have also started new save files, this issue is on every save I have, eventually the dreaded broken textures shows up. I have repaired the game files as well. pls. halp me. T_T lol.