Forum Discussion

OldeSimsFan's avatar
Seasoned Rookie
6 years ago

No jelousy?

Is there a TS4 equivalent of the 'no jealousy at all' file that TS2 had?
  • I'm not sure if there's a currently functioning mod that completely eliminates jealousy. I didn't get a lot of recent results while searching. there is a (at one point) fixed mod for completely removing the Flirty Spouse buff over here but that's all I could come up with myself.
  • According to the MC Command Center website, the forbidden module has an option to disable jealousy. I can't confirm how well it works because I don't use that module.

    As for a mod that can do it on its own, I didn't turn up anything. I would imagine it's because most people are taking advantage of the former mod's functionality.
  • OldeSimsFan's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    Got back from there a little bit ago, and saw no reference to that module. Going through the mod's documentation is enough to make quantum physics look easy.
  • It's not actually called the "forbidden" module, but since the module has certain features that go over the game's rating I'm not allowed to directly reference it in this forum. It's the only one that comes separately from the main download, though, if that helps.
  • OldeSimsFan's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    It does, thanks. Assuming, of course, I muster up the courage to venture there again any time soon.