This is my first time using Pose Player and in game, when I try to choose the pose, the window comes up repeatedly asking me which pose I would like, even after I've chosen it. I've restarted the game few times trying to figure out if maybe I've installed files too deep but nothing seems to work and my controls look all garbled. That being said I have a few questions for anyone who can help...
Can you install the poses in a folder deeper than the mods (i.e. Mods>poses) or should it go directly into the mods?
Do I need to put both the package file and the script file into the folder? For example with the download there is a package file and a ts4script file
Are the pose player and assets updated? I'm not sure if it gets updated with every patch or game release
When I eventually do get this working.. do I have to use all of the sims in the pose to make it work? Or if for exampleI have a pose with 5 sims and I only have 3.. could it still work?
I'm pretty sure I don't use any mods.. definitely not a colourful mod (not sure what that is). Where might I download the update? I've been downloading it from what looks to be the original page as it's linked to from a few different places and there is no version number on it saying what patch it relates to.
edit: The only mods I use are from TMex, so BBB and TOOL
Yes, as others said , its TMex mods :) Sorry I confused you with the other mod, my mistake , I was reading broken mods thread and that one came to my mind first :)
Going back to pose player, can I place the telelporter knight thing on community lots or in spaces where sims can go on walks if I pull it from their inventory?
"DeadFishy;c-18292428" wrote: Thank you all for the update on TOOL and BBB.
Going back to pose player, can I place the telelporter knight thing on community lots or in spaces where sims can go on walks if I pull it from their inventory?
I don't think you can access family inventory in build mode on a community lot. Unless you mean the sim's personal inventory? I would say that would be possible but I've never done it. I'm still very new to pose player (as in I've only been using it for around a month). As long as you can place the teleporter, it should allow you to teleport a sim wherever you want them.
Another question for all you pro posers out there. How do I make this one work? When I put the telelporter in the middle of the bed, the toddler disappears under it and I cant select it to choose its position. Once I move the bed to access the toddler and then move it back everyone snaps out of place.
@DeadFishy It may be that when they added infants to the game it changed toddlers heights so that now they're a bit shorter and they get lost in the bed itself after you summon them to the teleporter. The bed itself may be the issue. I never noticed it until I started using poses, but not all objects of the same kind are the same height off the ground. And that's not just a cc thing. For example, not all beds made by Maxis have the mattress top the same height off the floor. When I posed them on one bed the sim(s) may be floating above it or be sunk down into it. CC beds, sofas, and chairs can be all over the place in terms of surface heights above floor level.
In this case the bed might be just tall enough that it's above the toddlers head so you can't click on them. If you remember where you got the pose from you can go back and see if they mentioned a specific bed or provided a link to a particular bed.
I hope this helps and that you can find a solution. That looks like a really sweet family pose.
Andrew's Pose Player and Scumbumbo's teleport statue are a great starting point. I know you use MCCC and there is a way to bypass those and use that one for most group and single poses. For those that use WonderfulWhims and its NSFW sibling, TurboDriver teamed with Andrew to include a pose player in those two mods. It'll take some time but I'll put together a tutorial on how to use all of those. If someone else can get a tutorial made faster, please share it.?
Poses can be time consuming and fiddly to work with but for storytellers they are well worth the effort because they give you added dimensions and body language that the game lacks.
"DaniRose2143;c-18296253" wrote: Andrew's Pose Player and Scumbumbo's teleport statue are a great starting point. I know you use MCCC and there is a way to bypass those and use that one for most group and single poses. For those that use WonderfulWhims and its NSFW sibling, TurboDriver teamed with Andrew to include a pose player in those two mods. It'll take some time but I'll put together a tutorial on how to use all of those. If someone else can get a tutorial made faster, please share it.?
Poses can be time consuming and fiddly to work with but for storytellers they are well worth the effort because they give you added dimensions and body language that the game lacks.
Thank you, I would definitely need a step-by-step guide. Yeah, I'm that bad off. LOL
@GalacticGal I'll start with Andrew's Pose Player and the teleport statue. These two only work when you're on a lot. If your sims are in one of the many open areas these two will not work. If you have Andrew's Pose Player installed there are some exceptions with single sim poses where you can use them off lot, but if the pose requires the teleport statue the default options won't work. That's where MCCC and WW shine.
If you right click on a sim without pressing the shift key and you cycle through the pie menu you will see two options, 'Pose By Pack' and 'Pose By Name'.
Pose by pack is the one you want unless you absolutely know the exact name of the pose pack you want. If you choose Pose By Pack it will bring up a list of every pose pack you have installed in your mods folder. For this part I'm focusing on the third pose pack Akuiyumi 09 - Anger.
When you find the pack you want, click on it and it will show you all of the available pose options that are included in that pack. This is one that doesn't require a teleport statue to work. The fiddly part of these poses is making sure the sims you want to pose are facing in roughly the direction you want them to be. I have learned how to frame screenshots if I'm using separate single sim poses on two sims who aren't facing each other exactly.
Most packs will have more than one option. It's an exceedingly rare pack that only has one pose. Some can have up to a dozen or more. Most will have a small thumbnail image showing exactly how your sim will appear if you choose that pose. In this screenshot I chose a different pose from the same pack for Ray and Anna at the same time. I didn't need to use pose player or the teleport statue for either one, just Pose By Pack and Akuiyumi's 09 - Anger pack. If you have Andrew's Pose Player installed these options, Pose By Pack and Pose By Name, should appear for you too.
When you choose a pose it will automatically pop up again asking you to select another pose. This is to give you the option to try out multiple poses before choosing the one you want to go with if you haven't already made your mind. When you select a pose it will be added to your sims queue. If you have the pose you want for that sim just click exit twice and unpause the game. This is where the pose player asking you to choose another pose after you've already chosen one comes in handy. You can 'test drive' a pose and if you don't like it just click it out of your sim's queue and they will move on to the next pose. If time management is important keep in mind that while your sims are immobile in their pose the game clock keeps moving unless you pause the game. Once a sim is posing they will not move and cannot be interacted with until you click on the pose action in their queue to close it. For all intents and purposes they become nothing more than an object while they are in a pose. If you pose a sim who has low needs and is in danger of dying from those low needs they will die while posing because they will not auto solve their needs in pose mode.
Now for the tricky group poses. This one is counter-intuitive. For almost all poses that include two or more sims where you have to use Pose Player and the teleport statue you place all of the statues in the exact same spot. Here's an example of a group pose. I used Xiuminuwu's StacyC pose pack. That one supports up to 6 sims in the pose.
For this one I used the teleport statue. The teleport statue can be found in BB under the Miscellaneous Decorations sort. The statues can only be placed on lots and in build mode. If you place the statues and teleport sims to the spot and then need to change something you will have to start back at square one and redo everything, so be sure before you enter build mode that everything is just as you want it. There will times where you think of something you missed, or a sim you forgot to include, after you've got all of your sims on the spot. The frustration of having to start over will teach you valuable lessons in being prepared ahead of time. There are six sims in the pose so all six statues went in exactly the same spot. It took me a lot of time and failures to learn that you place all of the statues in the same spot, not individually where you expect each sim to be standing.
After you have placed the statues then you need to bring all the sims you wish to pose to that spot. You do this by right-clicking on the statue to get this popup...
Always, always, always, use the 'teleport a sim here' option to bring the sims you want in the shot that to the spot. They will instantly appear in the exact spot where the statue is. Even if the game is paused they aren't on the lot they will instantly appear after you have selected them. If you use the 'summon a sim here' option you will have to unpause your game and wait while they make their way to the spot which always ends up with at least one sim wandering off at which point you will have to start all over from scratch. Never, never, never ever, use the summon option even if they are only a quarter of a grid square away. I swear, God as my witness the only reason that option exists is because someone is a secret sadist who loves our misery. I say that only as a joke, but I'll say it again, never, never, never, never, never, ever, use the 'summon a sim here' option on the teleport statue. I don't care how close the sim is to the statue, never click on that option. I hope I wasn't too vague about which one of the options you should choose.? Always use teleport.
Once you've selected the pose and teleported all of the sims you want in the pose they will appear in one big pile. Once you select their individual poses and unpause the game they will move to the spot the pose calls for. It took me forever to realize that because a lot of pose makers take it as gospel that you already know this. So let's break it down. For the pose in question I have six sims in one pile. You have to click on each one and select their specific pose. With them all in one pile you need to look for visual cues, hair or clothing items that set them apart from the rest of the stack. This stack includes Brytani Cho, Octavia Moon, Judith Ward, Anna Eros, Rayvn Nash, and Lady Mimi. I'll start with Brytani Cho. I know she's wearing a skirt with a chain belt so she's easy to pick out of the stack...
I put my cursor on her belt and right click to open the pie menu and start looking for the pose. You'll know you have the sim you want if you look in the upper left corner and see their profile..
Just clicking on their thumbnail in the bottom left to make them the active sim doesn't work, you have to put your cursor on them and then right-click on them. So I want her to be in one of the spots at the back of the pose, so I look at the options and choose one for her...
Next I'll do a sim who's really hidden in the stack, Rayvn. I know she has black hair with a ponytail that comes down over her left shoulder and she's wearing a blue dress with black leopard spots. The hair is hard to spot, but right under Mimi's bust I can see a bit of Ray's dress. I put my cursor on that and right-click and from there it's exactly the same steps as before.
You repeat that assigning a different spot to each sim and once that's done you unpause the game and wait a second or two for everyone's pose to drop into the active spot in their queue and when they all strike their pose grab your screenshots. Another benefit of poses, once sims are in one they will never move until you cancel the action. Just remember to pause your game first to keep time from getting away from you.
That's how you do poses on a lot. When you're off lot you can use MCCC>Sim Commands>Teleport Commands>Teleport Lot Sim/World Sim To This Sim and it will stack them up just like the statue does. Pick one sim to be the focal point and teleport the rest to that one and then once they're stacked up it's the exact same process to pose your sims that you used with the statues. I don't use this unless the pose in question is happening in an off lot environment. On a lot when you select a sim to be the focal point and you teleport another sim to them they both move forward a square or two. When you try to add the third sim, the focal sim and the third one move forward again and leave the previous sim you teleported standing where they were when you teleported them to the focal sim. TurboDriver's WonderfulWhims mod has a pose player built in that is great for single poses off lot. It was made with the help of Andrew from the original Pose Player so it is a great option and works properly. There again it depends on the pose since some require a statue in order to work, but the vast majority of single sim poses don't require a statue to work, it's mostly a group pose thing.
I know it's an awful lot of work, and makes getting chapters done quickly that much harder, but the variety that poses add to stories is worth it to me. A lot of screenshots my readers love wouldn't be possible without poses. Not every screenshot has to be a pose, maybe you save the effort for that one special shot and use in-game animations for everything else.
@DaniRose2143 Thank you so much. I have copied and pasted your delightful instructions, so that I will have them at my fingertips. As I've stated to another player, I won't install such a mod until I have my new gaming rig, which hopefully will happen in September, and I can be certain I have more than enough room on the computer. :)
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