3 years ago
Working on a Female Werewolf Fix Mod, Looking for Feedback and Advice
I've been working on a way to mod the female body attributes onto the female werewolf body. So far, I've used MorphMaker with Yokonova's HyperBoob mod (the only widely-known breast slider mod that works on female werewolf bodies) as a reference to create a slider mod that restores the female breast slider parameters to the female werewolf body (with the side-effect of also overwriting the male chest depth slider as well). Combining my breast slider restoration mod with the testing cheat "traits.equip_trait trait_Breasts_ForceOn" and "CAS.fulleditmode" in Live Mode, I have been able to successfully restore normal breast slider function to female werewolves in beast form.
Unfortunately, because this requires the use of my custom slider plus cheats, there's still a lot of work to be done. The next thing on the agenda is finding a way to automatically apply the "Breasts_ForceOn" trait to female werewolves in CAS in their werewolf form. If anyone knows how to achieve this, either with XML tuning or Python, I would really appreciate the help.
If anyone would like to experiment with this project on their own (or you just want a breast slider that works well on female werewolves when clothed), you can download the .package file for my breast slider restoration mod Here.
Thanks for reading, and I hope this is the beginning of something awesome!
Unfortunately, because this requires the use of my custom slider plus cheats, there's still a lot of work to be done. The next thing on the agenda is finding a way to automatically apply the "Breasts_ForceOn" trait to female werewolves in CAS in their werewolf form. If anyone knows how to achieve this, either with XML tuning or Python, I would really appreciate the help.
If anyone would like to experiment with this project on their own (or you just want a breast slider that works well on female werewolves when clothed), you can download the .package file for my breast slider restoration mod Here.
Thanks for reading, and I hope this is the beginning of something awesome!