A question on Vampire bites ...
Does anyone know how to tell if a Vampire bite will result in turning the bitten Sim into a Vampire if the bite was from a non-controlled Vampire. I ask because one of my Sims was bitten while she was sleeping by a random Vampire, but nothing happened except she fell asleep (fainted) and then felt uncomfortable all day. I thought this was because the Vampire who bit her wasn't powerful enough to turn her into a Vampire, but then a few nights later Vlad came over and did the same thing. I was sure my Sim would change into a Vampire, since Vlad is so powerful, but the same thing happened as it did with the lesser Vampire! 😮🤔 Thanks!
According to the devs, there should be no not player initiated turning.
So unless you tell a Vampire to turn anyone, they won't turn into a Vampire.