I didn't see too much of an performance increase in the update, but if the DEVs could take a look at trying to make these settings work properly with DirectX 11, then the game will run SUPER smooth under DirectX 11. These are now in the Ts4CommonRules.sgr file now. These settings work properly in DirectX 9 but not DirectX 11. As mentioned in my previous post, using these settings in DirectX 11 will make it so you can't click on anything to open up an interaction menu when you click on the ground, sims, etc.
setProp $ConfigGroup RenderShadowCacheVBSize 65536
setProp $ConfigGroup RenderShadowCacheIBSize 1048576
setProp $ConfigGroup RenderInstancingVBSize 262144
setProp $ConfigGroup RenderPickOcclusionQuery true
setProp $ConfigGroup RenderPickFrameDelay 1
setProp $ConfigGroup RenderPickFuzzinessRadius 1