EA tech support giving headaches.
i own a heap of the sims 4 expansions, packs, kits etc... there are items i have not purchased. as below
bowling night stuff
fitness stuff
get famous
luxury party
movie hangout
moschino stuff
perfect patio
spa day
vintage glamour stuff
backyard stuff
cool kitchen stuff
yet they are in my library, when i goto download them the photo 20250101_1858504 is what i get on the screen.
i cannot be clearer, i have NOT purchased any of this list, yet its in my library, i've requested these be removed from my library so that i can buy thgem, but as the transcipt shows, the person is claiming i've bought them and they have been deleted from my account due to a chargeback... if thats the case then why are they still showing up in my library.
the only charge back i have done is for star wars squadrons, which got my account banned and after a few years of fighting the ban so i could access the single player games on this account, this now happens.