new install windows 11 can't start damaged or missing game files
I Just got a new computer installed the EA app and Sims 4. I DID NOT put my save files in. When I tried to run it I got the message that the game couldn't start due to missing or damaged save files. I have uninstalled the game and reinstalled it, repaired it, uninstalled game and EA App and reinstalled both again, tried reinstalling on a different drive, tried deleting save folder in hopes that the game on start-up would create a new one and still the error persists. I have NO mods, NO ccs and again I have NOT placed my save files in yet. I've checked the board and found an old thread and everything they suggest I've tried or doesn't apply to my case (involves mods or cc).
@yenot-raccoon Please check whether Controlled Folder Access is running, and if so, disable it long enough to test.
If that helps, you can try setting exceptions for TS4_x64.exe and Origin.exe.
If changing the settings doesn't help, or CFA isn't running at all, you can try using the takeown command on your Documents folder. You're going to use this command:
takeown /F "C:\Users\username\Documents"
Write your actual username for this Windows account (your main one) instead of username. Since the syntax needs to be exactly right, please copy this command to a Notepad file, substitute in your username, and then copy that string when you're ready to use it. Hit Windows key-X and choose either "PowerShell (Administrator)" or "Windows Terminal (Administrator)," whichever option is offered, and paste the command into the window.
Just to be thorough, please move the Electronic Arts folder out of Documents, if it's still there, before trying to play.