Forum Discussion

WvMISKAvW's avatar
New Novice
4 hours ago

S4 DX11 on Windows 11 Minimizing Fix

After struggling with not being able to Minimize the game after playing in DX11 became a reality and after testing various settings, I have found a fix that works for me, so I thought I'd share. 

1. Turn the game OFF, if running.

2. Make sure the Win11 option: 'Optimizations for Windowed Games' is turned ON. 

*Find this setting in: System > Display > Graphics > Default graphics settings

3. Run the game.

4. If your game is currently set to Fullscreen, change it to Windowed Fullscreen, save change and restart game. 

5. Once loaded into the Main Menu, test the new settings by hitting the Windows Key. 

*You should now see your Taskbar and be able to open your Browser, or any other application, while the game is loaded. 

Have Fun! :)

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