Product: The EA app
Error Report ID (learn how to create an Error Report ID in the sticky post) 6481d1d8-cae2-4fb4-90ae-2409fce4d932
Which client functionality are you experiencing this bug with? Launch Game
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 12/10/2023 all day
Summarize your bug Started with problems loading saved games, seemed all my saved files were corrupted...could open them, but not actually play the game, could not place lots or anything (errors on all lots saying only residential can be placed on residential...even if you were using residential), all games started from the seasons page, no matter where they were actually saved. I could start a new game, create a Sim, place them, decorate, etc., but once saved and exited, starting the game back up, the same weird stuff would happen. I checked the EA Help site and on here and tried several things, restarted my computer many times, deleted everything (I own ALL the add-ons) and reinstalled them, repaired everything....then I wasn't even able to start the game. I got an error pop up: "Unable to Start: The Sims4 is already running [ed35e0ea:29f00e76:00000000:18a1dd51]" At this point I got on Tech Support Chat with EA (Jupho), they had me uninstall the EA app and reinstall....this did nothing, then they made a bug report and suggested I do one and another report on the EA app that I, here we are.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? open the sims4 on my computer?
What happens when the bug occurs? a pop up coms up
What do you expect to see? hopefully a way to fix it? 🙂
I am not really tech savvy...this is really the only game I play and I hate when something goes wrong...especially when I have spent so much to buy EVERYTHING! I really need this to relax...I have had a really crappy couple of weeks, so any help will give you so many blessings! Really...I will surround you with the whitest light I can think of! LOL and Send you so much happy energy and love blessings! You have no idea! Please help!
Thanks, Val 🙌
12/21/23 Update:
After the last update installed (12/19/23) I was finally able to get the game to start...yay, right? NOPE! I am still getting the error pop up: "Sims delivery error, An unknown error has occurred. Code: 00000008.000000000000000c8. Have been getting that for almost 8 months though and was able to play before. Now, upon the game finally loading up and me trying to go to went back to like a fresh virgin game, no saves or anything (fine, I'm cool with starting I uploaded most of my peeps anyway)...BUT, it FREEZES, then just cuts off. I've tried restarting offline, repairing, uninstalling, restarting my computer....everything I can think of....also I have already done the access thing, so that is set up like someone told me to try (sorry, can't remember exactly who, bad memory for names, sorry)....feel like I have tried literally everything....please help. I am at my wits end. This is the only game i play, I need it to relax and have some down time, it helps my anxiety a lets me use my creativity that I have no other way of getting out. Thanks! V