@loubylou1983 Try loading a different household in the same save and playing with those sims for a few sim-hours. Then you can switch back to the original family, Let me know whether it crashes. If it does, try playing a completely new save, and let me know how that goes.
127º C is definitely not a normal motherboard temperature—in fact, it's far above the safe operating temps for any hardware. Your computer should shut down to protect itself long before that point. That makes me think either that speccy isn't reading your hardware temps correctly, or one or more sensors are broken or providing inaccurate data. If you want me to have a look at a hwinfo log, just let me know, and I'll write out how to do it.
It's also a good idea to check out temperatures and other hardware data if a new save crashes in the clean folder, although there could still be other reasons the game isn't working. But there's no reason to get deflated yet. Just because nothing has worked yet doesn't mean you won't be able to fix the problem. If it's a temperature issue, the solution might be as simple as cleaning your fans. If temps are fine, it might be some conflicting software that you simply have to uninstall or disable. I'm happy to go through the possibilities in sequence, but it's much easier if we narrow things down a bit first. That's what testing in the clean folder is for.
@torirmg A lastcrash file would be in Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4, but the information in them is often not useful. It would be better for you to start your own thread describing the issue you're seeing in detail. A dxdiag would also be helpful.