Forum Discussion
I got my mods and custom content to work, but now I'm missing some saves.
I can only pause syncing for up to 24 hours. I can't find the disable feature. Is it the same as unlinking? When I look it up that's what I find.
@JINXEDFOXY Yes, unlinking would disable OneDrive. You could also uninstall OneDrive entirely, but that's not necessary.
- 4 years ago
Thank you for your help! Now to find my lost
- puzzlezaddict4 years agoHero+
@JINXEDFOXY You can look for saves on your computer by opening a File Explorer window, clicking This PC in the left panel, and searching for Slot_ , which should turn up any saves stored locally. You can also check OneDrive without reenabling it: just go to and sign in with your Microsoft account details.
- 4 years ago
It will be something I will have to work on. There are ones marked slot_0000001 but it is not my first save (which is one that is missing)
There are also a, b, and c in some of the slot numbers. Mostly I'm just finding .ver files. Which I read isn't needed.
Thank you! 🙂
- puzzlezaddict4 years agoHero+
@JINXEDFOXY Saves use hexidecimal (16-digit) numbers, which run from 0 to 9 and then a to f before rolling over. The saves start with 00000002, with ...1 being the auto-save that's no longer used. The .verx extensions denote backups, so they can be useful: if a given save doesn't load or is running poorly, you can try restoring one of its backups instead of starting from scratch.
To restore a backup, you only need to remove the .verx from its file name. If the backup is going to be in the same folder as the original save, be sure to renumber the backup first so you're not trying to create two files with the same name in the same location: your OS won't allow it and will prompt you to cancel or replace.
- 4 years ago
Thanks! I was able to find my first save. I was looking for a 1 not 2.
I tried to rename one of the ver files, but it told me if I rename it, it could become unusable.
I will search now for my other missing saves.
Thank you for your help! Sorry i had to drag it on lol!
- puzzlezaddict4 years agoHero+
@JINXEDFOXY You can ignore the message about a file potentially becoming unusable if you change its extension. That's just a generic system warning, not anything particular about the backup saves.
And you don't need to apologize for this process taking a little longer. I didn't feel like it was dragging or anything, and besides, if I didn't want to help with potentially complicated or involved issues, I wouldn't.
- 4 years ago
Ok so I was searching for my four other missing saves. There is one I can't find. I found the others and went to put them in the current save folder and
found out they are already in there. Idk why they aren't showing up in the game if they are in the right save folder. I was able to find and place my first save in
that folder and it is back in the game. I don't understand why the other three aren't. I have a lot of sims and I probably won't play them again, but I'd still like to have
them anyway.
- puzzlezaddict4 years agoHero+
@JINXEDFOXY For the saves that aren't showing, try renumbering them to something low, e.g. (make sure the name contains eight digits total). If that doesn't help, remove the saves that are in that particular folder and try the others you found.
- 4 years ago
I was wondering. When I was playing a particular save I was new to manage worlds. I thought I lost a sim and recovered a couple of games.
For example one of them is 8. I can't find my 9 save file anywhere. I have two 36s one is recovered could that be my missing 37?.
I changed the number to one of my saves (11 to 9 since 9 is no where to be found) to see if that would work. Now I have two of save 16 in the game lol!
No matter what I try I still can't get them to show up in the game.
- puzzlezaddict4 years agoHero+
@JINXEDFOXY If you've renamed the save files and you're absolutely sure they're named correctly, but they still don't show up, I don't know what else to tell you. You can of course keep trying, for example putting only one save in the saves folder and seeing whether it shows up then, but unfortunately, it sounds like some of your saves may not work anymore.
The saves' names inside the game itself are irrelevant here.
- 4 years ago
That's what I figured. I probably wasn't going to play them again anyway.
Thank you!
It seems I can't cut a break. it's so frustrating. I just downloaded spa day last night and now some of my CCs are gone (they were there last night). I found some in another folder.
MC command center also disappeared. Luckily with the other folders I have I was able to get some of it back. The only thing new I did was download some CCs with TSR Manager.
- puzzlezaddict4 years agoHero+
@JINXEDFOXY I've never used TSR Manager, but perhaps that's moving files around, deleting supposed duplicates, or otherwise interfering. At any rate, this is why it's a good idea to have a backup copy of your critical Sims 4 content, or just the entire user folder. The next time something gets deleted, just grab a copy from the backup.
- 4 years ago
I'll have to do that. I still have copies from all the moving around I did, but they are not current.
I still want it on my HD and not my SSD drive. I'm not messing around with it anymore lol!
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