Mods is what creates problems. Actually it's not really the mods it's the people who make them and updateing them is what really messes up your game. If you constantly keep updating custom content or mods and have old ones it screws everybody up on what to download. Lots of people have so many files on mods and stuff and it's confusing on what to download and it screws everything up. If these people who make mods and custom content just make one simple file to download and doesn't have to be updated then there wouldn't be any problems but people never learn
I'm playing Sims 3 now cause I guess I can't play Sims 4 anymore. It won't play because of the mods. More mostly the 'woohoo' mod is the problem. I can play it without it but I want it in there. It's boring without the 'woohoo' mod. If the people who make that 'woohoo' mod just create one simple file to download and don't update it cause it screws everything up plus so many files. It's all confusing
It's either sims 4 having problems or it's Origin because everytime I want to play Sims 4 it says oops Origin is having problems and it won't let me play. Origin and Sims 4 is really pissing me off. I want to play Sims 4 but I'm playing Sims 3 instead. Why can't they make Sims games without using Origin. Sims 2 you can play it without Origin. Why Sims 3 and 4 with Origin? Thats stupid
[Edited by EA_Mai: joining all your posts in 1, to avoid double posting. Please, use the edit option in the ... menu (top right corner of your posts) to edit them if you want to add content just after posting. Also removed mentions to mods that are not appropriate for all ages.]