Forum Discussion

3 Replies

  • GameGirl2168a's avatar
    Seasoned Vanguard
    2 months ago

    Odd. I thought Origin had shut down a few years back. At least I was required to change over to the EA app at that time, because the communication made it sound like Origin was going to shutdown imminently, at the time. Glad I made the switch early, rather than late. (Switching to a new games app always causes me anxiety.)

  • NoahLGP's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    24 days ago

    EA App is installed on my PC but I still purchase packs with Origin Mac because it's more reliable.

  • EA is tricken'  simmers.

    I would be on origin today if didn't get that message from EA to switch to the App a year ago. 

    It's good to know that Origin has been available for simmers this long.

    More vitriol post will be coming from the community once it ends. Sad reality.

    You can't play your game once you update with the EA app unless you update with the EA app. 

    EA APP. = Total Control.