I've spent too much time in this forum today. LOL. Basically, modernize Sims 2. It was the most entertaining! Return all the animations of 2. Open neighborhoods. Creating neighborhoods was part of that game at base. Sims 4 CAS and building system. Sims 3 lifespan sliders, some kind of color wheel, All those textures can be annoying. You can keep that. As long as I can match my furniture, I'm good.
Weather in base. Improved AI and routing. Personalities. Consequences. Details. Details. Details. Fleshed out packs. I'm good with waiting for a decent expansion that actually changes the gameplay. I don't want anymore expansions that add as much or less than a game pack and in some cases, a stuff pack. No more content that feels unfinished. Make things replayable. Do a lot of different scenarios and outcomes. Animations, ect. I do not want another pack like Strangerville, where you play it once and never again.
I want a challenge and I want to just sit back and watch them live from time to time. Add different levels of autonomy from they can do anything and everything on their own to absolutely nothing on their own, and a few variations in between.
I rarely leave my lots without an open world. And I enjoy playing rags to riches type games. I start with sims that have nothing and go from there. It's more fun if they can walk around the world. It's great to start as a truly homeless sim. Would be even better if we didn't have to start on a lot. Just drop them in and wander the world, sleeping on benches until you can afford a lot. It sounds desolate, but it's a challenge and I like challenges. I want to see a game where anything is possible. For all kinds of different players.
I would like to build a huge mansion with bust the dust. Where the dust doesn't catch on fire. Everything is dusty and my sims love it because they are the Addams family. LOL.
I'd like to play a zombie apocalypses game where I have to clean up the house. fix the house with what I can find around the town. How about some toggles to allow or ban features from neighborhoods. Make it a 1950's town where there are no cell phones and computers. I see so much potential for Sims based on what was in the past, present, and what is going on with other games. I really want to see something spectacular. Like what we know and completely new and surprising at the same time.
And of course, no fridge buying. I want to grocery shop. I want one outfit in CAS and have to buy more. And can we choose a jacket and put in the inventory? Put it on when it's cold on top of our outfits? And give the NPC's enough brains to actually put it on in the snow?
I want to build the stores. Watch sims shop without them gathering in one spot. I want to build diners. I want to ditch the check like in 2. And make the economy mean something. If I have two families and I see one buying a sofa autonomously when I'm playing the other family, I want to find that couch in their inventory when I go back to that family. And the money missing. Or if I make money at a dinner while I'm not playing that particular family, let there be an increase when I return. Some people may not like that, so turn it on and off. I don't care. I just want a true economy of some kind.
And when I'm out, I only want to see people from the world. I don't want randomly generated Sims every where. Assign existing sims to the jobs. If they work at a diner, let me see them there instead of a stranger. Let us hire our family to work at our diners. It sounds like a lot, but modders have added a lot of these things I'm thinking of here. So a big game developer should have no problem doing the same and doing it better.
I want to build functioning apartments and malls. I want to build hospitals, ect that are not located in some imaginary world. I want to pass them on the street. Work venues and I want to go inside and work their job with them like with Get to work. For all jobs. Or just watch them do their job autonomously. And don't make it the same stuff every single time if it's playable. Mix it up. Make lots of different things for us to do. I don't like game play that feels like it was designed for a child. It's not replayable and beaten in very little time. We pay too much for this game. Make it worth it. All I ask. I have stopped buying packs. You got me interested with the kits. I bought those, but I don't know how much more of 4 will interest me enough to swipe my card.
There is a whole list of things that could make Sims an untouchable game. I'm already seeing a lot of detailed upgrades of older games emerging. I'm not talking about indie companies either. If one of these companies decide to do a life simulator, I don't think Sims will be able to compete. Unless EA does it first, but if they repeat the mistakes of 4, I believe Sims will end up just like SimCity.