"Olalla1986;c-18193361" wrote:
First, it was said that it’s years away (exactly those words were used) so I would really wait with any plans of upgrading your PC. Second, as a console player, I don’t think Sims 5 will come out during the life span of PS5 (which is already out for two years). I think it will come out during era of PS6. Average console life span is 7-8 years, that gives devs 5+ years to develop the game. They stressed two or three times” it’s very early” and “many more years.” I’m thinking 5 years at least and maybe 6, that’s the optimistic take imo. So my point is, nobody knows at this point what specs this game will have so any plans of upgrading seem pointless.
I’m not trying to dimmish anyones hype or happiness, but I saw quite a few excited people who seem to forget that this is really far away project in an infant stage.
Thanks for the response. I understand that the game is several years off and I was not planning on upgrading to a new computer until right before release. But, there is some information coming out already, though nothing is in stone yet. So far I have heard that the Unity or Unreal engines are likely to be used. Knowing what engine it will run on is a good starter. Specs will come along later. I just wanted to know what information anyone had.