I love this game. I even have a (Dutch) website about The Sims Medieval and Pirates & Nobles. Every now and then I get this TSM phase and play it a lot for a couple of weeks. I think TSM never got the attention/appreciation it deserves. I have a couple of special saves/files. A while back I played all achievements so if I want I can put an old ach.package back so I can play with all achievements (and therefore special items) unlocked. But I enjoy the achievements so much that every time I start a new game my phase, I start over and play the achievements once more. A while back I also finished all ambitions on silver and/or gold so all ambitions are unlocked which means I don't have to play in a certain order to unlock all ambitions, they are all unlocked which I prefer. Finishing all ambitions on silver and/or gold doesn't matter to me. It still leaves platinum to reach and when I play for real (and not to unlock all ambitions because when I did that I played the bare minimum and achieved as less achievements as was possible), I always go for platinum. :smiley: