3 years ago
Will it be open world
I loved The Sims 3 and a big part of that was because of the open world (I actually didn’t buy the Sims 4 because it wasn’t there but now it’s free…) So I’m wondering if this game will have one or no...
99% no, they say you can play the sims even on your smartphone, and can the hardware of a smartphone, handle an open world like the sims? I don't think so. Obviusly glad to be wrong.
I hope so. I hope 99% of the map won't be just set dressings like Sims 4. And that the map is editable.
I too was one of those who took one look at ts4 and said no way! That's a downgrade not an upgrade. Until it became free, that's when I decided to give it a shot. It's failing miserably! 😭
Anyway, I suspect that the open-world part might be the online world, and your sim lot will be in a neighborhood like TS-1…4
Although this will interfere with us players need to control everything in our world, and suggests caw will not be included. I hope we get caw from the start.
Otherwise, like has been said, all platforms won't support open world, so the components that work on your phone ect. May be limited to simply building a lot and status checking Sims. Btw I hope it's not real time based. When I close my game I want everyone to stay EXACTLY where I put them.
@y34827d6j9c7 This is an interesting argument, but don't forget the target of EA, is reach much people possible for this game, like the sims 4, a game made with a lot of compromise, like the vanish of the open world , not because is to hard to program it (in gaming industry is the normality reuse old asset for optimize the time spent to create a new project), but for reach all possible players, in fact, the open world, requires a lot of hardware resource to calculate in real time all things present in the scenario, and not everyone had such high-performance machine can handle it (yeah, maybe work on optimization can help, but requires a lot of time, specially in the pc world, when there's an incredible number of different configurations), so they decide to cut off open world, with this manouver, even the low/medium end pc can handle the game, and i suppose the same thing it will happen with project rene, and yes, i suppose even for smartphone world, the 50$ low end phone maybe can't handle it, but i'm not surprised if EA want the 100$ low end phone can handle the game, so, it is wise to keep the expectations low.
The open world was hyped so much with the launch of Sims 3, that everyone now believes the game wouldn't be playable without it. I prefer the rotational gameplay style that was possible in The Sims 2.
The first thing people think of when they play a non open world is why can't my sims just walk down the street, or into the neighboring lot? It's right there. But this is superficial. Once you go down the street, there is nothing to do but come back. There is nothing on a community lot that you can't do at home with the purchase of an item. If you must go to a community lot, the Sims 2 had places you could go (with a loading screen, which I will get back to later), but again, these offered little additional gameplay. The Sims 3, for example, offered a gym to work out, a library to read books, and a park to play chess; or you could place a treadmill, a bookcase, and a chess set in your living room, and use them right away, instead of travelling 20 minutes to and from.
No loading screens? There may not be a loading screen while your sim is travelling, but there certainly is lag while the new lot loads up. The only difference is that the curtain is lifted, and you get to watch the messy preparations on stage. This makes it more frustrating, not less.
When confined to the home lot, it is possible to view all your sims on one screen, and see what they are all doing. If one of them runs out of queued actions, it is immediately apparent, and you can switch sims effortlessly (and without lag) to set up their next actions. It is a pleasant experience to watch multiple sims in the same family going about their business at home. In the later games, having the sims travel all over the map made it nearly impossible to focus on more than one sim at a time.
Indirectly, creating the open world meant that playing multiple households in a rotational style was no longer an option. Yes, it is still technically possible, but the game is no longer designed in such a way as to make it a fun experience. Let me explain: The original game was based on time management. The fun of the experience was in keeping your sims' motives full; when the hunger motive was low, you had the sim eat; when the hygiene motive was low, you had them take a shower, etc. A sim's chosen career had a series of levels you had to achieve. Advancing each level was contingent on going to work with full motive bars, and meeting a minimum standard of certain skills, and maybe social contacts. The goal, as I saw it, was to first, fill your sims' motives, and second, hone whatever extra skills they needed for their next promotion, while also timing everything so that your sim's motives would be full at the beginning of their work day. In the Sims 2, when you saved the game and exited the lot, the game file for that household would be paused, awaiting your return. With an open world, this is no longer the case, because the whole neighbourhood is in one save file. It doesn't have to be this way, but the development team did not deem it important to have nested save files, once they dreamed up the idea of the open world. In the later games, the motives are not preserved in a household, once you leave, so even if you play in a rotational style, your progress is not maintained, and each time you go back to a household, you have to regain your bearings.The developers and modders made some efforts to bring back the magic of The Sims 2 rotational play. They created toggles for aging and story progression, but they were never able to achieve motive preservation.
In the Sims 5, I implore you to bring back rotational style play the way it was meant to be. This means using nested save files for each household, within the larger neighbourhood file. It is important to understand which sim-related files should go in the world folder, and which should go in the household folder. This is what made Sims 2 work so well. Although I am not happy with the open world scenario for several other reasons, it is still possible to build a game with both an open world, and nested save files for rotational play.
To be honest I think the phone version will have limited features, and the graphics/resolution will be different from the PC version.
We already know that buidling and decorating will be possible on mobile from the footage they’ve shown us. But I am not very concerned about it as I don’t intend to play on mobile.
I would be happy enough if the whole world isn’t just scenario and is fully editable, and wouldn’t mind as well to focus on neighberhoods/districts without going through loading screens.
Althoug I would say that the game will still take years to be released and by then the average PC’s being used will have better graphics/specs to run a full open world.
Personally The Sims3 wasn’t lagging that much for me. Ok sometimes yes, but it was playable and not a very huge deal as many people complain about. And we are talking about 2009. So in my honest opinion there is no excuse nowadays to not enable and optimoze a full open world.
The fact, and this is a thing make me so angry, is technically the open world, or at least an open district mode, is possible even on the sims4, if you play with your sims, all the furniture of other lots (no matter if there are house, bar, park...) are loaded in the game, yes if you zoom to much on another house, it become a "rabbit hole" and you don't see anything, but if you see at a certain distance (or see in first person), not only the game load all the furniture of the home/lot you watch, but even the objects reflexed on a mirror, and all of this things are loaded at the highest graphic level (i mean, the highest graphic level you set for your game), but if you want visit the lot, bum, loading, and this is useless, if nothing except our house and the "community" space are loaded, i can understand a loading during the visiting to lot from another lot, but in this case, when everything is still loaded, everething is "ready", it don't make any sense, i see it only like a cut content, it's seems in the beginning they want to add the open world in sims 4, but they have a little bit problem to optimize it and said: "you know what? no open world for players", but leave the possibility for all the furniture of the district to be loaded in game, giving us a fantastic useless resource eater, because yes, even if you don't visit a specific lot/house, the game doesn't care and load everithing, and this is a useless "weight" for your pc.