Forum Discussion

Maria82's avatar
6 years ago

Accidental Spending?

I accidentally clicked on the speed up button for an event & now I'm out 43 SimCash. I suppose there's no way to get it back, is there?!

Unfortunately, it's not the first time I did something like this either. 😑😶🙄😭
  • I did this too, but with cupcakes. going by my experience with other games they usually don't reimburse you for these kind of things. maybe this one is different though :neutral:
  • It happens to us all at some point. Unfortunately, you are SOL. Just consider it a learning experience!
  • Yes they need to add a button to ask if “your sure” for all money actions plus retirements. I used real money to purchase a pack, it had sims $ I accidentally hit purchase the sims money and it gave me the money that I don’t really need because I’m so far in the game. I called they said nothing you can do! So I went to Apple and got my $10 back. It’s nuts how they can’t help you.
  • > @RenBar said:
    > Yes they need to add a button to ask if “your sure” for all money actions plus retirements. I used real money to purchase a pack, it had sims $ I accidentally hit purchase the sims money and it gave me the money that I don’t really need because I’m so far in the game. I called they said nothing you can do! So I went to Apple and got my $10 back. It’s nuts how they can’t help you.

    I agree, a are you sure button would be ideal. I've even accidently set my Sims doing tasks and had no way of stopping it. And when I have done that, it's always long ones lol