6 years ago
Fairy costume tutorial
Hi !!!! 😊 I know that a lot of people do love the fairy costume from Izzy and do really want one! But they really stuck on terrible outfits which Izzy loves to give away..lol. While i am hosting ...
I have never seen a fairy. I also noted that I don't receive alot of the outfit and furniture purchase options other sims have. Do some countries have exclusive items?
@Itsmeteeeeall countries get the same offers. Go to parties and you'll see some fairies. You get furniture from the catalog, events such as STS and Wumples. Other quests do offer outfits hairstyles and furniture and 75 point items. You will also get packs offered to you in game.
@Itsmeteeee schrieb:I have never seen a fairy. I also noted that I don't receive alot of the outfit and furniture purchase options other sims have. Do some countries have exclusive items?
Hello itsmeteee!
it also depends on your level ..once you reached levels, furnitures from the main sets and more clothes get unlocked.
I do not know how it is now for fresh players..i am guessing you need to unlock them like it was before when i started.
Well but Event items are for everybody the same and also the collections.
So some eventitems from the earlier days will probably not come back ..so they are maybe disconneted....
Players who play longer, did this events and collected them.
Furnitures..party items hair and clothes.... there is a lot of old stuff..also some heirlooms.
Idk which will be brought back or if they even will come back...maybe some of them or none..only the studio knows this and the gamechangers, heroes and gurus with early access in the time before the events will come.
The izzy shop is available when you did the turorial..i am guessing you know this. At the park! The Pink trailer...
There you can get boostoutfits from Izzy and he gives fairy costumes for fashion gems.
Getable from joining parties.
20 fashion gems = one outfit...Izzy decides what you get.
The party needs to be on level 10 to get 4 gems ea .
Partylevel 6 =1 gem..
And so on ....
Today i went to Izzy again with only 21 fashion gems and finally got the light blue fairy costume and got it with angel wings boost ..
Nothing saved..nothing spent with real cash..
Just constantly played like i explained.
And last week i also got one but allready had the colour and i did not like the boost.
But this time i am loving what Izzy gave.
Did not have this colour untill yet..
And Angel wings on this colour are pretty sweet..skyblue with angel wings and golden fairy wings.
Now i am missing only two colors from the fairy costumes to have all.
I think when i will be done i will collect different boosts on this costume. Haha...
Screenshot link added
The fairy dress and many of the most desirable costumes are rare. If you want one, you should go to Izzy's with no less than 200 (and I suggest more than 500) gems. When you don't get something you like, don't exit Izzy's, instead re-roll. That way the second try will only cost 16 instead of 20 (If I recall correctly, I haven't been to Izzy's in over a year since my Izzy's closet is full of only rare items I like). Once you get the rare costume you like (I like the fairy costumes, 1920's flapper dresses and bouffant dresses for girls and superhero costumes and gladiator costumes for boys) you can stop or, if you still have gems left you can pin the costume and re-try for a color, effect or trait you like better. I usually save up until I have about 2000 gems and then go in and try it. Now I have a closet full of Izzy's items I like that all have effects I like and all of them have a bonus to all careers or all hobbies. TO do this, you need to be disciplined and wait until you have lots of gems.
Here are my favorite styles from Izzy's for girls: 1920's flapper dress, bouffant dress, fairy costume and superhero costume. Note that all of them come in multiple colors. In this pic, my girls were going in red and green to a Christmas party.
@Itsmeteeee wrote:I have never seen a fairy. I also noted that I don't receive alot of the outfit and furniture purchase options other sims have. Do some countries have exclusive items?