Forum Discussion

Re: The sims mobile - Sell objects

I suppose a lot will change in the future, but as for now It would be a great idea to let you sell items back, or even delete them for good, because after a while simoleons value becomes very low anyway.

I'm on level 35 now and my inventory is already too long to work with comfortably. This may be due to the objects limits bug, though, because otherwise I'd have much more things out instead of in the inventory.

But the most important is that the inventory is a single one dimension list. So far there are very few items available. In the order of 100 maybe. If the game starts providing a comprehensive variety of items this inventory would quickly become unfeasible.

24 Replies

  • EA_Mai's avatar
    Icon for EA Staff rankEA Staff
    8 years ago

    Hi @mindpilgrim,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this! We really appreciate when you tell us what you think could be improved to make the game better 🙂

    I will forward your feedback to the Studio, so they can read it as well.

    Welcome to Answers HQ! :eahigh_file:


    PS: Level 35, that's impressive!

  • Anonymous's avatar
    7 years ago
    I just started playing thus game i created my sim and when i created ny next sim he got the job i wanted which was becoming a chef now i wanted ti know how can i reset the game to start over so i can have hum start at the coffee shop 2nd theres not enough energy and 3rd i wanted to upgrade my bed and delete\sell the previous bed also i was hoping that you can adjust the butt in the game. Now im still enjoying the. Game its finally different then freeplay but why couldn't the game be exactly like every sim game where things don't take long and you can do variius thing's without having to level up although i love tge idea of unlocking new. Things i hope later on it. Doesnt have a long waiting time for things to get done... Im playing this game until sims 4 for console comes out with more things... Now im disappointment about that too. There's not many interactions and the begining chiising traits man theres nit alot to chose from and i firgit whats the main one called but some people are good at many tgings i just feel you should be able to customize that or pick 2 and 3 or 4 traits. And 1 more thing sims for is up to date. Why coukdbt they be mire realistic with life like having thugs. Selling weed. Or. Drinking wine ligour ir beer maybe do freaker things make ut more exciting different and please add a story mode too. Before sims 2 you had story modes with game play and that was a sucess and. Sims for should be able to go on vacations and have different choices then what they have. Oh and can you make 2 different households in different lots and later edit the relationship for example. Your gusbands family including your own living in different homes but. Your still related. Oh and how about traveling through different lots during gameplay. To vist a family member or something
  • Yndesent's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    7 years ago
    I'm happy enough to keep some things in inventory: the twin bed I replaced with a double, the wedding stuff I packed up to make room for a baby room, etc. I might want those again. But I doubt I'll ever need more than one stove, and I've decided I hate the way the end counters function in the game (they don't), so I'd really love to get those things out of my inventory, even if I got nothing for them.
  • Anonymous's avatar
    7 years ago
    I agree! It’s hard enough to earn money it takes so long. I would like to be able to sell things and make money back on them just like all the sims on the computer!!! Please make this happen!!
  • Anonymous's avatar
    7 years ago
    I agree you should be able to sell furniture , because as you leave up you upgrade and get new furniture ... like I’ve now got all my old kitchen counters and sofas there just sitting in my inventory when I could sell them!!
  • Anonymous's avatar
    7 years ago
    I'm level 30 now and I tired of searching my inventory.
    So I vote Yes to add selling options in future updates
    Also I recommend add a list thing to inventory so it won't be like a long endless list 😋
    Thanks and Regards
  • Anonymous's avatar
    7 years ago
    Would be great to sell items especially if people upgrade for example when you buy a better stove. Be great to sell the old one for some coin. 🙂
  • We can't sell stuff but to get other items it says to sell hierlooms, how do you sell those?

    Speaking of heirlooms, i got my first heirloom display case, its HUGE! It doesnt look right, is it suppose to be this large?
  • Anonymous's avatar
    7 years ago
    Um I didn’t know half the things you said but you can make a sim work somewhere else just go to the place you want them to work click the work button like your starting a shift and switch jobs
  • Anonymous's avatar
    7 years ago
    Every time I try to buy something or place something out of storage it says item limited and I need to get rid of items but how I don’t know what to do and I’m very upset because I spent a lot of money real money on things I want to place in my sims home
  • EA_Mai's avatar
    Icon for EA Staff rankEA Staff
    7 years ago

    Hi @Nia_Mia96,

    Welcome to the forums! 🙂

    The item limit message you are getting should be related to the items placed in your house, not stored in the inventory. Placing some objects in your inventory should allow you to place others.

    As having the option to sell objects wouldn't change this, please, let's keep this thread about selling objects. For the item limit, we have this thread, feel free to join!:


  • I see that this was answered in July, but yes it would really make sense to sell furniture, maybe not for full price - but it would be easier to renovate and change styles which is a lot of the fun!

    Same goes to the baby thing, the interactions doesn’t lead to much and the toddler just walks around alone and doesn’t even play with the toys. That’s a lot of the fun too - relationships and growth. But hey, it’s just a mobile game.
  • Anonymous's avatar
    7 years ago
    I 100% agree! There should be sims Garage sales as well as being able to have other sims buy things off you. Please send the request on so it can happen in the future!
  • Anonymous's avatar
    7 years ago
    I just finished the Market Fair special event and noticed it is all household items on the tables the ghost sellers have for sale. I think the game is trolling us at this point about selling items. 😂
  • SalixCat's avatar
    7 years ago
    What did the Studio say? It's been almost a year since this was posted :-)
  • @SalixCat the original post was about objects, I'm replying to @sweedeypy who is asking a question about selling clothing from Izzy. Which has been taken away due to a bug. 

  • BlueWizardRob's avatar
    7 years ago

    I don't want to sell items, I might use them in a later remodel, but I do need some way to organize the storage.  It is an almost unusable long list of stuff.

    As for Izzy's, could they at least increase the limit from 35 so we could at least try some of the new items and effects?

  • Anonymous's avatar
    7 years ago

    I can understand wanting to use items for later use, but being that we have to make a purchase everyday for the daily quest, no way will I use all this stuff and cant, I've hit the item limit long ago... I just buy the cheapest thing I can to get past the quest and now my inventory is a rubbish pile.  It would be nice to sell off some of the unused items we are forced to buy but cant even place.

  • @BlueWizardRob @sweedeypy I think I'd be happy with any provision at all that took pressure off my item limit yet still allowed me the freedom to decide what to do with items I've purchased. Or at least allowed me to manage them in a comprehensible way.

    Because I have to, I can deal with the chaos of the stored inventory, but it grates on my every nerve when I buy things and have such limited freedom to use them!
  • PaQuilter1's avatar
    Hero (Retired)
    7 years ago

    I'd be happy with more color selections too! At least we could make things work with our color scheme. Just my 2 cents. ☺😊

  • Anonymous's avatar
    7 years ago
    Selling things REALLY needs to become an option. The inventory list gets WAY too impractical after only a little while.
  • Hi EA game developer, 

    Yes, me too. I would like to sell my stuff too.  I have too many things, I don't really use them.  So I think if EA can make these options available that would be great.

    We can sell them at a discount like Sims 2, Sims 3 and Sims 4.  Please do add this option to the Sims Mobile. Thank you

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